[trill] Trill working group leadership change
Ted Lemon <Ted.Lemon@nominum.com> Thu, 25 September 2014 14:16 UTC
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I'm pleased to announce that Susan Hares will be stepping up as Trill working group co-chair effective immediately. Susan is, as I'm sure you're all aware, a long-time IETF participant and Trill participant, and I'm delighted that she was willing to take on this role. Jon Hudson will of course continue as the other co-chair. Donald Eastlake has kindly agreed to take over Susan's role as working group secretary. Donald has been doing a great job as co-chair, but he's also a very productive document author in the working group, and the two roles are somewhat in conflict; this resolves that conflict, while keeping Donald in a leadership role as well. My thanks to both Susan and Donald for being willing to do this work!
- [trill] Trill working group leadership change Ted Lemon
- Re: [trill] Trill working group leadership change Tissa Senevirathne (tsenevir)
- Re: [trill] Trill working group leadership change Jon Hudson
- Re: [trill] Trill working group leadership change Donald Eastlake
- Re: [trill] Trill working group leadership change Sam Aldrin
- Re: [trill] Trill working group leadership change Ted Lemon
- Re: [trill] Trill working group leadership change Susan Hares
- Re: [trill] Trill working group leadership change gayle noble
- Re: [trill] Trill working group leadership change Liyizhou
- Re: [trill] Trill working group leadership change Mingui Zhang
- Re: [trill] Trill working group leadership change Xialiang (Frank)
- Re: [trill] Trill working group leadership change hu.fangwei
- Re: [trill] Trill working group leadership change Naveen Nimmu
- Re: [trill] Trill working group leadership change Sujay Gupta
- [trill] 答复: Trill working group leadership change Haoweiguo