[trill] WG LC for draft-ietf-trill-smart-endnodes (5/31 to 6/13)
"Susan Hares" <shares@ndzh.com> Wed, 31 May 2017 14:15 UTC
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From: Susan Hares <shares@ndzh.com>
To: trill@ietf.org
Cc: trill-chairs@ietf.org, draft-ietf-trill-smart-endnodes@ietf.org
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Subject: [trill] WG LC for draft-ietf-trill-smart-endnodes (5/31 to 6/13)
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This begins a 2 week WG LC for draft-ietf-trill-smart-endnodes, and you can see the draft at: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-trill-smart-endnodes/ Due to my errors, this WG LC has been delayed. We will be running this WG LC in parallel with the IPR call. The authors (Radia, Fangwei, Donald, Kesava, Ting) should send their IPR statements by 6/5. If the IPR statements are not received, we will need to extend the WG LC. For this WG, please consider the following questions: 1) Does the draft-ietf-trill-smart-endnodes provide a good solution for the problem of the size and freshness of the endnode learning table in edge RBridges by allowing endnodes to volunteer for endnode learning and encapsulation/decapsulation? 2) Do you know of any situations where deployment of this technology will be helpful? 3) Is this technology and this draft ready for IESG publication? Sue Hares
- [trill] WG LC for draft-ietf-trill-smart-endnodes… Susan Hares
- Re: [trill] WG LC for draft-ietf-trill-smart-endn… hu.fangwei
- Re: [trill] WG LC for draft-ietf-trill-smart-endn… Zhangmingui (Martin)
- [trill] 答复: WG LC for draft-ietf-trill-smart-endn… Haoweiguo
- Re: [trill] WG LC for draft-ietf-trill-smart-endn… 顾 戎
- Re: [trill] WG LC for draft-ietf-trill-smart-endn… Radia Perlman
- Re: [trill] WG LC for draft-ietf-trill-smart-endn… Donald Eastlake