[trill] draft-eastlake-rfc6439bis-01.txt - Adoption call extended for 2 weeks (11/24 to 12/8)

"Susan Hares" <shares@ndzh.com> Tue, 24 November 2015 10:26 UTC

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Cc: 'Donald Eastlake' <d3e3e3@gmail.com>, draft-eastlake-trill-rfc6439bis@ietf.org, 'Jon Hudson' <jon.hudson@gmail.com>
Subject: [trill] draft-eastlake-rfc6439bis-01.txt - Adoption call extended for 2 weeks (11/24 to 12/8)
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Hi all: 


The adoption call for draft-eastlake-rfc6439bis-01.txt is extended 2 weeks
(11/24 to 12/8).   This document clarifies and updates the Appointed
Forwarder mechanism. It updates RFC 6325, updates RFC 7177, and obsoletes
RFC 6439.  The document can be accessed at: 




The authors should reply on list to indicate if they know of any IPR on this
document.  Please note there two IPR statements related to this document: 






Please comment on the following: 


1)      Do you believe this BIS is needed for deployments?  

2)      Do you have any technical concerns regarding this document? 

3)      Do you believe this document with its IPR is ready for WG adoption? 


Thank you, 

Jon Hudson and Susan Hares