[trill] RPF entries..RFC 6325 section 4.5.2

gururam m <mgururam@gmail.com> Tue, 22 May 2012 10:11 UTC

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      I have a query related to the RPF check from RFC 6325.

Let us say a TRILL domain setup has about 6 RBridges each with a single
nickname and 6 multicast trees are computed by each RBridge in the TRILL
domain and the trill domain setup is as shown below.

  |             |              |
  |             |              |

As per my understanding each RB will have RPF entries that are equal to the
ingress interfaces on that RB. For e.g RB1 has two interfaces hence it has
two RPF entries and RB2,RB5 will have 3 RPF entries since it has 3
interfaces or to state the number of RPF entries on each RBridges depends
on the number of ports that are part of the multicast trees on that
particular RBridge.

Please correct me if my understanding is not correct.
