[tsvwg] Brief Summary of activities in TSVWG at IETF-119
Gorry Fairhurst <gorry@erg.abdn.ac.uk> Sat, 16 March 2024 15:23 UTC
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This eamail contains a brief overview of the WG status. TSVWG covers a wide range of transport-related topics, specifying ranging from transport protocols and mechanisms, to network-to-transport interactions (including Explicit Congestion Notification and Differentiated Services). The WG has two sessions scheduled for IETF-119. Two drafts are with the RFC Ed, in preparation for publication as RFCs: • draft-ietf-tsvwg-ecn-encap-guidelines • draft-ietf-tsvwg-rfc6040update-shim One draft is submitted to our AD after a WGLC (in AD review with issues raised and a revised ID expected) • draft-ietf-tsvwg-sctp-zero-checksum Authentication Chunks for SCTP: The work to specify Authentication Chunks for SCTP is a bis to RFC 4895. The progress will be reported at the meeting. SCTP and DTLS: A TSVWG Design Team twas formed that will present proposed requirements for DTLS over SCTP. The WG is encouraged to read the design team slides ahead of Tuesday's TSVWG meeting, where there will be an opportunity for WG feedback. The WG then plans to determine which proposals will be used for the basis for a protocol specification. Note: There is a proposal for related work being considered by the TLS working group. MP-DCCP: This draft recently completed WGLC review with support to publish. The ID is currently with the WG Chairs. This drafts targets PS. Offers to provide a technical review of this sepc will be appreciated. UDP Options: There will be a short summary of the latest revisions to the protocol draft, which includes proposals to resolve all current issues. The related work on DPLPMTUD is also awaiting completion of this spec. The WG will seek WGLC review comments after the IETF-119 TSVWG meeting. NQB PHB: The latest draft includes proposals to resolve all current issues. This is thought by the Editor to be ready to proceed to WGLC after the IETF-119 TSVWG meeting. Careful Resume:This draft has a milestone for publication as PS in July 2024. L4S Operational Guidance: This draft has a milestone for publication in November 2024. G Fairhurst and M Seemann March 2024.
- [tsvwg] Brief Summary of activities in TSVWG at I… Gorry Fairhurst