[Unbearable] comments on draft-ietf-tokbind-tls13-0rtt-01
Benjamin Kaduk <kaduk@mit.edu> Wed, 29 March 2017 02:50 UTC
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Subject: [Unbearable] comments on draft-ietf-tokbind-tls13-0rtt-01
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We appear to have a rather tight dependency between this document and the core TLS 1.3 spec in section 2.2.1, where we require the server to MUST NOT accept early data if the negotiated token binding key parameter does not match teh parameter from the initial connection, which is the same behavior as ALPN and SNI. It seems like this might require the formal "Updates: <TLS 1.3>" absent a change to the TLS 1.3 document in the current state of the document, since we only have a token_binding_replay_indication TLS extension, which does not match up exactly with this requirement. However, if we went to a new TLS extension to indicate willingness to do 0-RTT and token binding together (in addition to the existing early_data and token binding extensions), that seems like it would not need the formal "Updates:" marker. (Ekr, can you check me on that?) Given the semantics of early data with external PSKs, I find it rather dangerous to allow token binding in such setups, and would prefer that we forbid it rather than just saying that the token binding parameters must be provisioned along with the PSK. (Does anyone have a use case in mind for this?) I think the last sentence of the second paragraph of section 3 should probably be more explictily scoped to clarify that it is attempting to support 0-RTT that is problematic; the software for one.example.com can support 0-RTT but not use it for that domain, in which case sharing the cert for h2 is fine. I'm not sure that I believe the text in section 5.4 that claims that when a peer implements complete replay protection, the other peer does not need to implement such a mitigation; it seems to ignore the possibility that the first peer could become compromised. I made a note that there should probably be more consideration of external PSKs in the second paragraph of section 5.1 and in section 5.5. -Ben
- [Unbearable] comments on draft-ietf-tokbind-tls13… Benjamin Kaduk
- Re: [Unbearable] comments on draft-ietf-tokbind-t… Nick Harper
- Re: [Unbearable] comments on draft-ietf-tokbind-t… Nick Harper