[Uta] NEWSFLASH: DANE TLSA records published for web.de!
Viktor Dukhovni <ietf-dane@dukhovni.org> Thu, 14 April 2016 18:39 UTC
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Subject: [Uta] NEWSFLASH: DANE TLSA records published for web.de!
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The web.de domain has just published DANE TLSA records for its MX hosts. This follows earlier "pilot" deployments with the smaller mail.com and mail.de domains. web.de. IN MX 100 mx-ha02.web.de. ; AD=1 _25._tcp.mx-ha02.web.de. IN TLSA 3 1 1 409c9e91a2a9f4d7881dbf0094b3839d4343a4a57d9bf559fdeb0c1f4c5b8b3e ; passed Subject = CN=mx-ha02.web.de,emailAddress=server-certs@1und1.de,L=Montabaur,ST=Rhineland-Palatinate,O=1&1 Mail & Media GmbH,C=DE Issuer = CN=TeleSec ServerPass DE-2,street=Untere Industriestr. 20,L=Netphen,postalCode=57250,ST=Nordrhein Westfalen,OU=T-Systems Trust Center,O=T-Systems International GmbH,C=DE Inception = 2014-07-22T11:21:46Z Expiration = 2017-07-27T23:59:59Z web.de. IN MX 100 mx-ha03.web.de. ; AD=1 _25._tcp.mx-ha03.web.de. IN TLSA 3 1 1 33fccf0e82584b6133cf18d24ae592cc6cbc9cfcab13291a5585a2b20a30eb19 ; passed Subject = CN=mx-ha03.web.de,emailAddress=server-certs@1und1.de,L=Montabaur,ST=Rhineland-Palatinate,O=1&1 Mail & Media GmbH,C=DE Issuer = CN=TeleSec ServerPass DE-2,street=Untere Industriestr. 20,L=Netphen,postalCode=57250,ST=Nordrhein Westfalen,OU=T-Systems Trust Center,O=T-Systems International GmbH,C=DE Inception = 2014-07-22T11:22:46Z Expiration = 2017-07-27T23:59:59Z This is a major milestone in DANE adoption. [ IIRC they host mailboxes for a substantial fraction of the population of Germany. ] One approach to making sure that DANE TLSA records are less likely to fail that should work well for sites using CA-issued certificates is to publish both "3 1 1" and "2 1 1" TLSA records: mx.example. IN TLSA 3 1 1 <digest of server public key> mx.example. IN TLSA 2 1 1 <digest of immediate issuer public key> * The "3 1 1" record protects against "expiration" accidents, and unexpected changes in the issuer's public key (if new certificate chain deployment is automated). * The "2 1 1" record protects against key rotation errors should a a new server private key be deployed without updating the TLSA RRs. Provided the new certificate is issued by the same CA is unexpired, ... the "2 1 1" record will match. With a bit of monitoring to ensure that both records match, simultaneous failures of both is much less likely. This even makes it possible to avoid pre-deployment DNS TLSA records updates when rotating certificates, provided at least one of the issuer public key or the server public key is unchanged in the new chain. In particular, this is the best practice with Let's Encrypt issued SMTP server certificates, as explained in: https://www.internetsociety.org/deploy360/blog/2016/03/lets-encrypt-certificates-for-mail-servers-and-dane-part-2-of-2/ -- Viktor.
- [Uta] NEWSFLASH: DANE TLSA records published for … Viktor Dukhovni
- Re: [Uta] NEWSFLASH: DANE TLSA records published … Viktor Dukhovni
- Re: [Uta] NEWSFLASH: DANE TLSA records published … Anders Berggren
- Re: [Uta] NEWSFLASH: DANE TLSA records published … Daniel Margolis