When Wan gets into that contraption he broadcasts to the world.
"radi Martino" <radi.Martino@smuck.nl> Thu, 16 August 2007 02:08 UTC
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Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 04:08:54 +0200
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From: radi Martino <radi.Martino@smuck.nl>
Subject: When Wan gets into that contraption he broadcasts to the world.
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T.h i-s g*e*m is real+ly mo*v able!! T.h_i*s o,n'e is re+ally profi ta*ble!!! H.a,v_e y'o-u b e+e.n w,atchin*g t*h'i*s f*o*r t.h'e l a-s,t w*e,e k-? T a,k,e a l*o+o.k at it: re_cent n'e_w_s rel e*ases s,e+n.t gener-atin,g gr.owing inte+,rest in C.Y T+V C'ompany,: CHI NA YO.UTV C'O_R.P (_O.T.C BB,:CYTV_.OB) S t o c k: C_Y-T'V Cu.rrent Price.: $*.,4-9 4*t,h S,tra,ight d*a,y.s we h'a*v,e s.e.e n t-h+i*s c'limb. (,S.e,e Yaho'o C,hart-N ew N-e,w.s r_elease) T_h-i,s o'n'e h.a s h*a.d n,i.c e retu_rns f'o-r inve+sto+rs o,v-e_r t h_e summ-er, and n'o-w show*s promis.e to begi_n a sec'ond w a_v,e of re-turns. K*e*e_p a e'y+e o+u-t a,gain on W ednes.day A-u g 15..'.. T,i+m w'a.s hir'ed by Mi-cro'soft as t h+e primar y auth'or of t.heir firs t OS. Commo-n pr'_udence forb'ids h,i+m to s*e.t us at liberty,. Withi_n t_h'e C+I.A t'h e lin*es b-etween t_h'e stat,e a_n.d pri v.ate, co+r,porate pow.er a,r e t-otally blur're.d, in f,a_c-t h-a.v*e mel_ded i.n_t+o o'n*e_. T h-e F_unc.tion Br-owser is capab'le of se'a,rching f_o*r a.n-y f,u nction whic-h mat_ches t h*e exp,r_ession ent-ered i'n+t.o t'h*e "Searc*h f'o_r," f ield. If it d o,e,s n'o,t', m+a+y I a's.k w'h a't wou,ld.
- When Wan gets into that contraption he broadcasts… radi Martino