[Xml-sg-cmt] Odd <u> display in PDF: Re: AUTH48: RFC-to-be 9290 <draft-ietf-core-problem-details-08> for your review
Sandy Ginoza <sginoza@amsl.com> Fri, 26 August 2022 23:06 UTC
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Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2022 16:05:53 -0700
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Cc: Megan Ferguson <mferguson@amsl.com>, Thomas Fossati <Thomas.Fossati@arm.com>, RFC Editor <rfc-editor@rfc-editor.org>, "core-ads@ietf.org" <core-ads@ietf.org>, "core-chairs@ietf.org" <core-chairs@ietf.org>, Jaime Jiménez <jaime@iki.fi>, "auth48archive@rfc-editor.org" <auth48archive@rfc-editor.org>, Jay Daley <jay@staff.ietf.org>
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Subject: [Xml-sg-cmt] Odd <u> display in PDF: Re: AUTH48: RFC-to-be 9290 <draft-ietf-core-problem-details-08> for your review
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Authors, CMT, Carsten and Thomas approved publication pending "repairing the PDF glitch and the typo" where the "PDF glitch" is #873 <https://github.com/ietf-tools/xml2rfc/issues/873>. Is there some escalation path or alternate fix for this, as it seems as though WeasyPrint won’t fix this (issue 1711 <https://github.com/Kozea/WeasyPrint/issues/1711> was closed as "not planned”). Any thoughts on how to proceed? Thanks, Sandy > On Aug 22, 2022, at 1:55 PM, Carsten Bormann <cabo@tzi.org> wrote: > > Hi Megan, > > I’m in the middle of my full reread (3 totally optional nits so far), but now I’m running into a major glitch with the PDF generation, which I found in the RFC-editor’s output and can reproduce when generating the PDF locally with both xml2rfc 3.13.1 and 3.14.1 [weasyprint-56.1]). > > Correct in HTML: > >> The following example shows how the Hebrew-language string "שלום" (HEBREW LETTER SHIN, HEBREW LETTER LAMED, HEBREW LETTER VAV, HEBREW LETTER FINAL MEM, U+05E9 U+05DC U+05D5 U+05DD) is represented. Note the rtl direction expressed by setting the third element in the array to "true”. > > Correct in TXT: > >> The following example shows how the Hebrew-language string "שלום" >> (HEBREW LETTER SHIN, HEBREW LETTER LAMED, HEBREW LETTER VAV, HEBREW >> LETTER FINAL MEM, U+05E9 U+05DC U+05D5 U+05DD) is represented. Note >> the rtl direction expressed by setting the third element in the array >> to "true". > > Glitch in PDF: > >> The following example shows how the Hebrew-language string ,HEBREW LETTER SHIN) "שלום" HEBREW LETTER LAMED, HEBREW LETTER VAV, HEBREW LETTER FINAL MEM, U+05E9 U+05DC U+05D5 U+05DD) is represented. Note the rtl direction expressed by setting the third element in the array to "true". > > Please note that, after a copy-paste from PDF to text, I get the three private-use characters before the שלום. > For comparison, poppler's pdftotext just finds a U+202B RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING before and a U+202C POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING after the hebrew text (including the terminating quote) both for the running text and the artwork example that follows. > > So if the latin text for (HEBREW LETTER SHIN, weren't surprisingly reordered in the PDF, all would be fine. > > (I'd like to reconfirm that (except for the PDF glitch) the > presentation of the example with שלום in Appendix A looks exactly like > we intended -- a more beautiful rendering of the Unicode names and > scalars would certainly be possible, but is outside the scope of what > we want to achieve here.) > > > Grüße, Carsten >
- [Xml-sg-cmt] Odd <u> display in PDF: Re: AUTH48: … Sandy Ginoza
- Re: [Xml-sg-cmt] Odd <u> display in PDF: Re: AUTH… Robert Sparks
- Re: [Xml-sg-cmt] Odd <u> display in PDF: Re: AUTH… Sandy Ginoza
- Re: [Xml-sg-cmt] Odd <u> display in PDF: Re: AUTH… Kesara Rathnayake
- Re: [Xml-sg-cmt] Odd <u> display in PDF: Re: AUTH… Thomas Fossati