[xml2rfc] experimental iref element extension

julian.reschke@gmx.de (Julian Reschke) Sun, 16 May 2004 19:16 UTC

From: julian.reschke@gmx.de
Date: Sun, 16 May 2004 21:16:51 +0200
Subject: [xml2rfc] experimental iref element extension
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <409CCB3F.4060307@gmx.de> <409CCB3F.4060307@gmx.de> <>
Message-ID: <40A7BE23.8030308@gmx.de>

David T. Perkins wrote:

> HI,
> Also, can the tools generate a "dependency" list. That is, take the
> normative and non-normative refs and expand out the ancestors. And
> then for each ancestor, create a lists of direct, one-level indirect,
> two-level-indirect, etc (with pruning so only the "closest" reference
> is listed). That way, we would know for a collection of documents
> (such as RFCs) that if a referenced document was updated, then
> all of the possibly affected documents.

This is an interesting idea, but of course requires that you have all 
the involved documents in RFC2629 format.

In the meantime, I have enhanced "check-ietf-references.xslt" to also 
print out the standards state and possibly alternate names for a 
referenced document, such as:

    > saxon rfc2518.xml check-ietf-references.xslt
    Normative References:
    RFC1766: [PROPOSED STANDARD] obsoleted by RFC3066 RFC3282
    RFC2277: [BEST CURRENT PRACTICE] (-> BCP0018) ok
    RFC2119: [BEST CURRENT PRACTICE] (-> BCP0014) ok
    RFC2396: [DRAFT STANDARD] ok
    RFC2069: [PROPOSED STANDARD] obsoleted by RFC2617
    RFC2068: [PROPOSED STANDARD] obsoleted by RFC2616
    RFC2279: [PROPOSED STANDARD] obsoleted by RFC3629
    Informational References:
    RFC2026: [BEST CURRENT PRACTICE] (-> BCP0009) ok
    RFC2376: [INFORMATIONAL] obsoleted by RFC3023

(check-ietf-references.xslt is part of my rfc2629xslt distribution 
available from <http://greenbytes.de/tech/webdav/rfc2629xslt.zip>).

Note that for automatic checks, it would be nice if there'd be a way to 
identify those "references" elements that in fact contain normative 

Best regards, Julian

<green/>bytes GmbH -- http://www.greenbytes.de -- tel:+492512807760