[yam] Interop problem: SMTP submission, STARTTLS, AUTH EXTERNAL
Chris Newman <chris.newman@oracle.com> Fri, 30 April 2010 23:28 UTC
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Subject: [yam] Interop problem: SMTP submission, STARTTLS, AUTH EXTERNAL
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Speaking as a technical participant, not a co-chair: I've been dealing with client certificate authentication lately and realized we have an interoperability problem with our standards. For SMTP submission, when an end-user wishes to authenticate using a client certificate, the protocol sequence to do so is unclear. This sequence works assuming the server enables SASL EXTERNAL and the client implements it (not true of all deployed software): ==== C: EHLO ... S: ... C: STARTTLS S: 220 2.5.0 Go ahead with TLS negotiation. <negotiate TLS with client certificate> C: EHLO ... S: ... S: 250-AUTH EXTERNAL ... S: ... C: AUTH EXTERNAL = S: 235 2.7.0 EXTERNAL authentication successful. C: MAIL FROM:<cnewman@mydomain.example> C: RCPT TO:<somebody@relaydomain.example> <relay is allowed> ==== This sequence of commands may or may not work but RFC 4409 section 4.3 can be interpreted to permit it assuming a client certificate via TLS counts as "independently established authentication": ==== C: EHLO ... S: ... C: STARTTLS S: 220 2.5.0 Go ahead with TLS negotiation. <negotiate TLS with client certificate> C: EHLO ... S: ... C: MAIL FROM:<cnewman@mydomain.example> C: RCPT TO:<somebody@relaydomain.example> <relay may or may not be allowed> ==== An SMTP submission client that implements only the latter will not interoperate with an SMTP submission server that implements only the former (and possibly vice versa if the client is unwilling to "just try it" when AUTH EXTERNAL isn't there). One of these two cases must be interpreted or declared not valid by the standards to resolve the interoperability problem. Option 1: relevant to YAM -- Clarify 4409 section 4.3 to state that providing client authentication during TLS does not constitute "independently established authentication" because there is no indication in the TLS layer whether that authentication was deemed acceptable for SMTP submission authentication. Perhaps note as an informational reference that "AUTH EXTERNAL" can be used to determine the validity for that purpose. Pros: Doesn't alter the way SMTP relay authentication works (probably good since relay authentication is typically manually configured trusted peers). It's a clarification of a vague sentence. Consistent with IMAP+STARTTLS and POP+STARTTLS. Cons: some SMTP submission clients and servers that could be interpreted as compliant are now considered incompliant. This change would occur in YAM and some could argue it should derail 4409 moving to full standard. Option 2: Incompatible change to RFC 3207 (SMTP STARTTLS) when an SMTP client provides a client certificate the server deems valid for authentication purposes, the server MUST enable the SASL EXTERNAL mechanism (advertising it in EHLO and allowing it in AUTH). If the client issues "MAIL FROM" without issuing an AUTH command in this situation, the server MUST behave as if an implicit "AUTH EXTERNAL =" was issued by the client. Pros: Doesn't break any clients. Cons: Some previously complaint SMTP STARTTLS server implementations are declared incompliant (including the shipping product from my company ;-). Option 3: Incompatible change to RFC 3207 (SMTP STARTTLS) to declare that client authentication provided via STARTTLS is not considered valid authentication at the SMTP layer until the client issues an "AUTH EXTERNAL" command. Pros: Consistent with IMAP+STARTTLS and POP+STARTTLS. Cons: Some previously compliant SMTP STARTTLS client and server implementations are declared incompliant. Comments? - Chris
- [yam] Interop problem: SMTP submission, STARTTLS,… Chris Newman
- Re: [yam] Interop problem: SMTP submission, START… John R. Levine
- Re: [yam] Interop problem: SMTP submission, START… Tony Finch
- Re: [yam] Interop problem: SMTP submission, START… Alessandro Vesely
- Re: [yam] Interop problem: SMTP submission, START… Tony Hansen
- Re: [yam] Interop problem: SMTP submission, START… Arnt Gulbrandsen
- Re: [yam] Interop problem: SMTP submission, START… John R. Levine
- Re: [yam] Interop problem: SMTP submission, START… John C Klensin
- Re: [yam] Interop problem: SMTP submission, START… John C Klensin
- Re: [yam] Interop problem: SMTP submission, START… Chris Newman
- Re: [yam] Interop problem: SMTP submission, START… John R. Levine
- Re: [yam] Interop problem: SMTP submission, START… SM
- Re: [yam] Interop problem: SMTP submission, START… Ned Freed
- Re: [yam] Interop problem: SMTP submission, START… Tony Hansen
- Re: [yam] Interop problem: SMTP submission, START… Arnt Gulbrandsen