Re: Comments on gTLD-MOU Leadership [was: Bob shaws misrepresentation of Jeff williams's comments]

"Perry E. Metzger" <> Tue, 12 May 1998 18:00 UTC

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To: Jeff Williams <jwkckid1@IX.NETCOM.COM>
cc: Camillo Pasquariello <Camillo.Pasquariello@MCI2000.COM>, Robert Shaw <>, DOMAIN-POLICY@LISTS.INTERNIC.NET, IETF ORG <>, Ira <>, Jon Postel <postel@ISI.EDU>, "Antitrust DEPT. DOJ Justice" <>
Subject: Re: Comments on gTLD-MOU Leadership [was: Bob shaws misrepresentation of Jeff williams's comments]
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Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 13:43:02 -0400
From: "Perry E. Metzger" <>

Jeff Williams writes:
> > Please speak for yourself [and not the "others"] concerning the
> > quality of the gTLD-MOU leadership!
>   Let me make this perfectly clear.  My conclusion to which you are
> evidently commenting on here with this statement is nothing more than
> FACT.  If you have a problem with FACT's, than, like a hot kitchen,
> get out!

Thank you for reminding me that you'd timed out of my kill file. As a
kook of the first order, I should have left you in the permanent
list. I'll be correcting that mistake now.
