[79all] Accessing the IETF 79 Network
Ray Pelletier <rpelletier@isoc.org> Sun, 07 November 2010 03:56 UTC
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All; Below are the basics for getting started on the wireless. Full details on the IETF network are available at: http://noc.meeting.ietf.org/wiki/IETF79network. IETF Wireless Networks ====================== Authenticating to the production wireless network can be done in either of two ways: 1. using WPA/WPA2 Enterprise using the ietf.1x (2.4Ghz/5Ghz) and ietf-a.1x (5Ghz) SSIDs 2. using a web portal on the ietf-portal (2.4Ghz/5Ghz) and ietf-a-portal (2.4Ghz/5Ghz) SSIDS. The user name for these networks is your registration ID number. Your registration ID number is 10 digits long and can be found on your registration confirmation email from the registrar, your conference receipt, or the back of your badge. The password for all methods is "ietf". Alternatively, completely anonymous access tokens are available at the Help Desk and at the IETF Registration Desk. Each User credential is valid for the entire meeting, and will allow up to 5 simultaneous logins. Wireless Access in the Shangri-La Hotel Rooms and Pubic Spaces ============================================================== The IETF Network is being extended to the public spaces and guest rooms in the Shangri-La by adding IETF-specific SSID's to the existing hotel wireless. The wired network connections in the guest rooms will remain on the existing hotel guest room network. The "ietf-hotel" SSID connects to the IETF Network, using the web portal for authentication, and the "ietf-hotel.1x" uses WPA2 Enterprise authentication. Both of these use the same credentials as the usual IETF Meeting network. Unfortunately, due to some technical limitations of the Shangri-La wireless infrastructure, IPv6 isn't available in either of these networks.
- [79all] Accessing the IETF 79 Network Ray Pelletier