[Anima-bootstrap] After successful enrolment
"Michael Behringer (mbehring)" <mbehring@cisco.com> Tue, 08 November 2016 14:45 UTC
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From: "Michael Behringer (mbehring)" <mbehring@cisco.com>
To: "Max Pritikin (pritikin)" <pritikin@cisco.com>
Thread-Topic: After successful enrolment
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Subject: [Anima-bootstrap] After successful enrolment
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> > 3.1.7 > > As mentioned in my other mail, I would prefer to call the final state here > "enrolled". We could explain here that in the case of ANIMA, the next step is > the establishment of the ACP, see draft ... and in the non-ANIMA case we > expect normal management to take place, ex via NETCONF, ... But I suggest > to have a reference to the ACP draft. > > CONCERN: I like switching this to ‘enrolled’. Not sure what the rest of the > suggestion is. I think we should explain that: - for BRSKI, the state "enrolled" is the end of the process. - that, depending on context, one of several things may now happen: a) an ANIMA device will now discover potential ACP neighbors --> point to ACP draft b) a non-ANIMA device can use the domain certificate to authenticate "normal" management protocols, such as SSH, NETCONF, etc. I think it is important to show what happens with those domain certs! Does that make sense? Michael
- [Anima-bootstrap] After successful enrolment Michael Behringer (mbehring)