[apps-discuss] Appsdir review of draft-camarillo-rai-media-policy-dataset-01
ht@inf.ed.ac.uk (Henry S. Thompson) Thu, 31 May 2012 13:14 UTC
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I have been selected as the Applications Area Directorate reviewer for this draft (for background on appsdir, please see http://trac.tools.ietf.org/area/app/trac/wiki/ApplicationsAreaDirectorate) Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments you may receive. Please wait for direction from your document shepherd or AD before posting a new version of the draft. Document: draft-camarillo-rai-media-policy-dataset-01 Title: A User Agent Profile Data Set for Media Policy Reviewer: Henry S. Thompson Review Date: 31 May 2012 IETF Last Call Date: 2012-06-11 Summary: This draft is almost ready for publication as a Proposed Standard but has a few issues that should be fixed before publication Major Issues: 1 A bit more context is needed, given that section 3 dives right in to defining attributes. We need to know Why this XML format is _needed_ -- why aren't session definitions (per RFC4566) sufficient? Just a brief explanation of motivation should do the job. 5.3/4/5/6 "Multiple <media-types-allowed> elements MAY only be present in a container element if each applies to a different set of streams (e.g., one <media-types-allowed> element for incoming and one for outgoing streams)." -- How is this possible? The only 'container element' allowed by the schema is <session-policy>. How does an application know _which_ stream is meant to be constrained by _which_ allowed set??? Simlarly for all the other allowed/excluded elts, and various max/min settings if they appear under <session-policy> rather than <session>. 6.5 max-stream-bw: It's not clear if it's an error == "MUST ignore" if the media-type attribute and the label attribute conflict, i.e. the stream picked out by the label isn't for the named media. In a similar vein, it's not clear to what extent merging is restricted to pairs whose label and/or media match. . . Similar issues arise for <qos-dscp>. Minor Issues: 3.1 It's a bit odd to reference XML 3rd edition -- XML 5e [1] has been available for over 3 years now. . . 3.3.4 'media-type' attribute -- Are more specific values than those listed allowed? Probably the most common understanding of the phrase 'media type' is exemplified by text/plain, image/svg or application/xml -- if these are _not_ allowed, say so. If they are, include one or two in the "such as" list. 4.1 Wrt codecs, the two MUST statements wrt description vs. offer/answer are superficially contradictory. This para. needs to be split into two sub-cases, so the processing for single descr. vs. pair of descrs is clear. 4.1 It would be nice to see two generic templates demonstrating the mapping rules for the one- and two-description cases, i.e. something along the lines of c=IN IP4 h <session-info> m=m1 p1 RTP/AVP c11 c12 . . . <streams> a=label:l1 <stream label="l1"> a=rtpmap:c11 t11 <media-type>m1</media-type> a=rtpmap:c12 t12 <codec q="0.9"> a=rtpmap:. . . <media-type-subtype>t11</media-type-subtype> m=m2 p2 RTP/AVP c21 c22 . . . </codec> a=label:l2 <codec q="0.8"> a=rtpmap:c21 t21 <media-type-subtype>t12</media-type-subtype> a=rtpmap:c22 t22 </codec> a=rtpmap:. . . . . . . . . <local-host-port>h:p1</local-host-port> </stream> <stream label="l2"> <media-type>m2</media-type> <codec q="0.9"> <media-type-subtype>t21</media-type-subtype> </codec> <codec q="0.8"> <media-type-subtype>t22</media-type-subtype> </codec> . . . <local-host-port>h:p2</local-host-port> </stream> . . . </streams> </session-info> and similarly for the two-input case. 4.1 The fact that the specified mapping is lossy in both directions should be called out, e.g. v= and t= lines are lost in one direction, and <context> is lost in the other. 5.1 Wouldn't this be better at the _end_ of section 5, once the elements to be merged have been introduced? 5.1.2 The two </codecs> end tags should be </codecs-excluded> and </codecs-allowed> respectively. 7.1 The <session-policy> element needs xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:mediadataset" The end tags </media-types> and </codecs> should be </media-types-allowed> and </codecs-excluded> respectively. 7.2 Both <session-info> elements need xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:mediadataset" All the <codec> elements need 'q' attributes according to the text. The schema does not require this. Shouldn't it do so? 8 Schema ElementInfoContext is undefined. I presume something along the lines of <define name="ContextModel"> <interleave> <optional> <element name="info"> <data type="string" /> </element> </optional> <optional> <element name="policy-server-URI"> <data type="string" /> </element> </optional> <optional> <element name="token"> <data type="token" /> </element> </optional> <zeroOrMore> <element name="contact"> <data type="string" /> </element> </zeroOrMore> </interleave> </define> <define name="ElementContext"> <element name="context"> <interleave> <ref name="ContextModel"/> </interleave> </element> </define> <define name="ElementInfoContext"> <element name="context"> <interleave> <ref name="ContextModel"/> <optional> <element name="request-URI"> <data type="string" /> </element> </optional> </interleave> </element> </define> is what you meant, if I read the text correctly. With the above fixes to schema and instances, the examples are all valid. Nits: 3.1 "namespace URIs for schemas" --> "namespace URIs for elements", I would prefer. . . 4 "<session-info><\session-info>" --> "<session-info></session-info>" 5.1.2 "encoding of profile of the codec" --> "encoding or profile of the codec" [I guess. . .] ----------- "Other encoding or profiles of the same codec are unaffected." --> "Other encodings or profiles of the same codec are unaffected." ----------- "apply all containers it has received one after the other the set of media- types/codecs it supports." --> "apply all containers it has received one after the other to the set of media- types/codecs it supports." [I guess. . .] ht [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-xml-20081126/ -- Henry S. Thompson, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh 10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AB, SCOTLAND -- (44) 131 650-4440 Fax: (44) 131 650-4587, e-mail: ht@inf.ed.ac.uk URL: http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/~ht/ [mail from me _always_ has a .sig like this -- mail without it is forged spam]
- [apps-discuss] Appsdir review of draft-camarillo-… Henry S. Thompson
- Re: [apps-discuss] Appsdir review of draft-camari… Gonzalo Camarillo