Re: [apps-discuss] Changes to netnews header registrations
Julien ÉLIE <> Fri, 13 May 2016 15:28 UTC
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Hi Graham, First of all, thanks for reviewing the request I sent. I add the USEFOR IETF WG in copy of this message, in case they wish to comment. > As reviewer for the IANA message headers registry > ( > I've received a request to change references to rename > "[Son-of-1036]" references to "[RFC1849]"? This document is now > published as a historic RFC. > > I propose to make a recommendation that goes beyond the original > request, and as such I thought I should submit my proposed > recommendation to public review. > > I think the requested change is appropriate with respect to the > following message header fields: > > Also-control > Article-names > Article-updates > See-also > > (Did I miss any?) These are indeed the 4 message header fields obsoleted by RFC1849. > I also think that RFC5536 should be cited for these headers, as it is > this document that formally declared them to be obsolete > ( Yes, RFC5536 can be cited instead of, or along with, RFC1849. > While we're at it, I'd suggest also citing RFC5536 for the following > header fields, also obsoleted by that document > ( and #section-6): > > Date-Received netnews obsoleted [RFC0850] > Posting-Version netnews obsoleted [RFC0850] > Relay-Version netnews obsoleted [RFC0850] > NNTP-Posting-Date netnews obsoleted > NNTP-Posting-Host netnews obsoleted [RFC2980] > > If I hear no objection within a few days, I'll pass this recommendaton > to IANA. Couldn't X-Trace and X-Complaints-To header fields also be added to that list? X-Trace netnews obsoleted [RFC5536] X-Complaints-To netnews obsoleted [RFC5536] They are indeed mentioned at the same time as NNTP-Posting-Host in Section 3.2.8 of RFC5536, and are no longer useful with Injection-Info header field: NOTE: Some of this information has previously been sent in non- standardized header fields such as NNTP-Posting-Host, X-Trace, X-Complaints-To, and others. Once a news server generates an Injection-Info header field, it should have no need to send these non-standard header fields. While we're at it, couldn't MIME-related header fields also be added as standard for netnews? MIME-Version netnews standard [RFC5536][RFC5322] Content-Type netnews standard [RFC5536][RFC5322] Content-Transfer-Encoding netnews standard [RFC5536][RFC5322] Content-Disposition netnews standard [RFC5536][RFC5322] Content-Language netnews standard [RFC5536][RFC5322] As a matter of fact, Section 3.2 of RFC5536 speaks of them, with added restrictions in syntax: None of the header fields appearing in this section are required to appear in every article, but some of them may be required in certain types of articles. Further discussion of these requirements appears in [RFC5537] and [USEAGE]. The header fields Comments, Keywords, Reply-To, and Sender are used in Netnews articles in the same circumstances and with the same meanings as those specified in [RFC5322], with the added restrictions detailed above in Section 2.2. Multiple occurrences of the Keywords header field are not permitted. comments = "Comments:" SP unstructured CRLF keywords = "Keywords:" SP phrase *("," phrase) CRLF reply-to = "Reply-To:" SP address-list CRLF sender = "Sender:" SP mailbox CRLF The MIME header fields MIME-Version, Content-Type, Content-Transfer- Encoding, Content-Disposition, and Content-Language are used in Netnews articles in the same circumstances and with the same meanings as those specified in [RFC2045], [RFC2183], and [RFC3282], with the added restrictions detailed above in Section 2.2. Thanks, -- Julien ÉLIE « Pour célébrer ce jour heureux, buvons un coup, buvons-en deux. » (Aristophane)
- [apps-discuss] Changes to netnews header registra… Graham Klyne
- Re: [apps-discuss] Changes to netnews header regi… Julien ÉLIE
- Re: [apps-discuss] Changes to netnews header regi… Graham Klyne
- Re: [apps-discuss] [Ietf-message-headers] Changes… Graham Klyne
- Re: [apps-discuss] Changes to netnews header regi… Julien ÉLIE