Re: [AVTCORE] Mail regarding draft-ietf-avt-app-rtp-keepalive (rfc6263)

<> Wed, 17 December 2014 09:56 UTC

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To: Julius Friedman <>
Thread-Topic: Mail regarding draft-ietf-avt-app-rtp-keepalive (rfc6263)
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Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 09:56:51 +0000
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> Please indicate why this is necessary if I am multiplexing and rtcp is enabled.  My nat will not timeout. 

Exactly. There is no trick here, the only RECOMMENDED method in the RFC 6263 is RTP-RTCP multiplexing, where regular RTCP traffic will maintain the NAT binding alive.


De : Julius Friedman [] 
Envoyé : lundi 15 décembre 2014 17:03
Cc :
Objet : RE: Mail regarding draft-ietf-avt-app-rtp-keepalive (rfc6263)

Thanks for the update.  I see ice is excluded but if stun etc was also excluded then it should be indicated in the same place. 
Please indicate why this is necessary if I am multiplexing and rtcp is enabled.  My nat will not timeout. 
If I am a translator version 0 will not be ignored. 
Senders octet count will be wrong unless the packet is skipped. 
All of my previous points still apply and sending a header only repeated would be more complaint no matter the case of use.
I will follow errata if I need to but first the points need addressing. 
On Dec 15, 2014 10:54 AM, <> wrote:
> Hello
> I don’t know what version of the draft you are referring to, but this document was published as RFC 6263 in June 2011. So you may check this final release.
> In particular the Introduction section states that ICE and STUN are out of scope.
> Aurelien
> De : Julius Friedman [] 
> Envoyé : lundi 15 décembre 2014 16:37
> À :
> Objet : Mail regarding draft-ietf-avt-app-rtp-keepalive
> Hello guys,
> Based on the fact this draft cites keep alive are not recommended I would to chime in.
> I would also like to indicate this process causes detected loss in the sender report unless the keep alive packet is not counted.
> Since rtcp is enabled what is timing out? The port mapping for the rtp port? What if im multiplexing on the same port then how does this matter?
> Specifically for non multiplexing why wouldn't ice or stun have their own methods of keeping the port mapping alive? And why should a rtp client have to handle this?
> This seems like a ice or stun change more than rtp.
> Furthermore couldn't you just send a header only packet with the last sequence number etc  which should also be Ignored and in a more complaint way.
> Translators may not ignore version 0 packets or dynamic payload types undefined in the sdp.
> Sincerely, 
> Julius Richard Friedman
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