[Bier] The WG meeting preliminary agenda --- Re: BIER WG - call for slot in IETF 112 meeting

zhang.zheng@zte.com.cn Tue, 26 October 2021 02:17 UTC

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The WG meeting preliminary agenda is: 
0. WG status, chairs, 10min
1. draft-ietf-bier-mldp-signaling-over-bier-00, Hooman Bidgoli, 5 mins
2. draft-li-pce-based-bier, Huanan Li/Aijun Wang, 10 mins
3. draft-zzhang-bier-slicing-and-differentiation, Jeffrey Zhang, 15 mins
4. draft-ietf-bier-te-arch-11, Toerless Eckert, 5 mins
5. draft-eckert-bier-cgm2-rbs-00, Toerless Eckert, 10 mins
If time permits: 
6. draft-chen-bier-te-lan, Huaimo Chen, 10 mins
7. draft-chen-bier-egress-protect, Huaimo Chen, 10 mins
8. draft-wang-bier-rh-bier, Wei Wang/Aijun Wang, 10 mins
Please let me know if there is any missing. 
Thank you!
Best regards,

日 期 :2021年10月19日 15:09
主 题 :[Bier] BIER WG - call for slot in  IETF 112 meeting
BIER meeting for IETF 112 has been scheduled: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/112/agenda/
If you would like to present at the meeting, please send a request to BIER chairs and me with "presentation draft, the amount of time, presenter".
Sandy (secretary)
BIER mailing list