[CCAMP] Review Request for flexible grid signaling and routing udpate
"Zhangxian (Xian)" <zhang.xian@huawei.com> Sat, 29 June 2013 07:12 UTC
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From: "Zhangxian (Xian)" <zhang.xian@huawei.com>
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Thread-Topic: Review Request for flexible grid signaling and routing udpate
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Dear CCAMPers, In light of the discussion in the last two IETF meetings with regard to flexi-grid, we have now updated the following two drafts: 1) http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-zhang-ccamp-flexible-grid-rsvp-te-ext-02 (Signaling extension for Flexi-grid) 2) http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-zhang-ccamp-flexible-grid-ospf-ext-02 (Routing extensions for Flexi-grid) In this update, we keep the above mentioned extension drafts aligned with the following: 1) http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ogrcetal-ccamp-flexi-grid-fwk-03 2) http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-farrkingel-ccamp-flexigrid-lambda-label-06 Any comments/discussions (online/offline) are welcome. We appreciate your feedback. Best Regards, Xian ( on behalf of all the co-authors)
- [CCAMP] Review Request for flexible grid signalin… Zhangxian (Xian)