[CCAMP] IETF 90 - Draft CCAMP Agenda & Reminder to WG draft Editors

"BRUNGARD, DEBORAH A" <db3546@att.com> Tue, 08 July 2014 20:34 UTC

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From: "BRUNGARD, DEBORAH A" <db3546@att.com>
To: "ccamp@ietf.org" <ccamp@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: IETF 90 - Draft CCAMP Agenda & Reminder to WG draft Editors
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    A draft agenda for Toronto is now available, see


Unfortunately our hope for meeting just once this time will not be
realized. (Although we're getting closer.)

Please let us (chairs + Daniele) know if you have comments or if
we missed anything.  -- And slides are due on *Sunday, July  20th*.

Authors of WG documents:

    If presenting, please plan to review (present) any changes that
    have been recently made, any open discussions or issues, as well
    as planned next steps.

    If you are not presenting, please send this information to the WG
    mail list 1 week* prior to the WG meeting, i.e., no later than July 14!
    If you think you can benefit from WG meeting time, please let us know.

Editors of WG documents:

    Now is a good time to mention if you'd like any help from the
    WG or the chairs to help keep your documents moving along. (Inaction
    on a document can be interpreted as lack of on-going interest or lack
    of availability, neither of which are conducive to getting your documents
    to RFC.)

Much thanks,
Lou and Deborah

PS Kudos to Daniele for pulling the initial agenda together.