[CCAMP] A question on draft-ietf-ccamp-rsvp-te-srlg-collect-01

Alan Davey <Alan.Davey@metaswitch.com> Mon, 03 December 2012 17:22 UTC

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From: Alan Davey <Alan.Davey@metaswitch.com>
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I have a doubt about draft-ietf-ccamp-rsvp-te-srlg-collect-01, specifically about the SRLG collection.  Could you please let me know what you think?

According to section 4.1, the collection of SRLG information in RROs for the Resv is different to that for the Path.  This is unlike the existing processing of RROs, which are handled in the same way for the upstream and downstream directions (as defined in RFC3209 section 4.4.3).  Can you please explain why the collection of SRLGs must be different in the different directions?  My preference is that SRLG information collection in RROs is handled in the same way as existing RRO processing.


Alan Davey

Network Technologies
Metaswitch Networks

+44 (0) 20 8366 1177