[Cellar] AV1 mapping update
Steve Lhomme <slhomme@matroska.org> Mon, 09 July 2018 10:24 UTC
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From: Steve Lhomme <slhomme@matroska.org>
Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2018 12:24:17 +0200
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Subject: [Cellar] AV1 mapping update
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I updated the AV1 mapping to clean a few sentences. Since we allow stripping the Sequence Header OBU from the stream when it's equal to the CodecPrivate one, we need to add it back to the bitstream for compliance. At least when seeking on keyframes. So I added a section to explain that. IMO that's an extra feature of the CodecPrivate that it's meant to be added to the bistream as-is. And in this case on startup and when seeking. I wonder if we should add an element next to the CodecPrivate to describe that. Because in this case it's not entirely opaque to the demuxer. Or maybe it's implied by the CodecID and is up to the decoder to use it how it's supposed to be (in this case detecting keyframes and possibly adding back the Sequence Header OBU). https://github.com/Matroska-Org/matroska-specification/blob/av1-mappin/codec/av1.md and the list of changes can be found here https://github.com/Matroska-Org/matroska-specification/commits/av1-mappin/codec/av1.md Let me know what you think so we can settle this spec for good. -- Steve Lhomme Matroska association Chairman
- [Cellar] AV1 mapping update Steve Lhomme
- Re: [Cellar] AV1 mapping update Andreas Rheinhardt
- Re: [Cellar] AV1 mapping update Steve Lhomme
- Re: [Cellar] AV1 mapping update Steve Lhomme
- Re: [Cellar] AV1 mapping update Andreas Rheinhardt
- Re: [Cellar] AV1 mapping update Steve Lhomme
- Re: [Cellar] AV1 mapping update Steve Lhomme
- Re: [Cellar] AV1 mapping update Timothy B. Terriberry
- Re: [Cellar] AV1 mapping update Andreas Rheinhardt
- Re: [Cellar] AV1 mapping update Timothy B. Terriberry
- Re: [Cellar] AV1 mapping update Andreas Rheinhardt
- Re: [Cellar] AV1 mapping update Timothy B. Terriberry
- Re: [Cellar] AV1 mapping update Timothy B. Terriberry
- Re: [Cellar] AV1 mapping update Steve Lhomme