[CFRG] Security limits of ChachPoly (was: XChacha20 counter size)
Loup Vaillant-David <loup@loup-vaillant.fr> Sat, 26 December 2020 19:59 UTC
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From: Loup Vaillant-David <loup@loup-vaillant.fr>
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Subject: [CFRG] Security limits of ChachPoly (was: XChacha20 counter size)
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> This is also relevant for authenticators based on universal hashes > like AES-GCM and ChaCha/Poly1305, whose security depends linearly on > the _maximum_ message length (not just the total amount of data): > Accept a single 256 GiB message, and the number of messages you can > safely handle -- even if all the others are tiny -- dramatically > drops compared to an application limited to 2^14 bytes per message > like TLS. I did some digging, and in the case of Poly1305 as used in RFC 8439, the number of messages is irrelevant. Only their maximum length matters. Security does *not* drop as you send more messages. You can send as many messages as you want. I speculate (but don't know) that it might be because unlike GCM, the secret multiplier is not reused across messages. (AES GCM could have done the same, but it would have meant computing 2 additional blocks per message instead of just one.) The security bounds given by DJB's Poly1305 paper say that it was designed this way specifically to preserve security as we send more messages. Only message length matters. This is shown again in the current AEAD limits draft: v = number of attempts p = target adversary attack probability l = maximum message length (in blocks) u = number of users or keys (multi-key attack) v <= (p * 2^103) / (l * u) The biggest possible messages with a 64-bit counter would be 2^68 blocks (we have 4 Poly1305 blocks per Chacha20 block). So: v <= (p * 2^103) / (2^68 * u) v <= (p * 2^35) / u That's the theoretical limit, though. One does not simply encrypt 2^70 bytes in one block (my laptop barely exceeds 2^32 bytes per second). More realistic (yet unreasonable) length would be in the Terabyte range. With 8TiB, we'd have 2^43 bytes, or 2^39 blocks: v <= (p * 2^103) / (2^39 * u) v <= (p * 2^64) / u Inadvisable for sure, but not broken either. Stream repetition would be many orders of magnitude worse. In my opinion, the fact that short messages are better does not justify breaking all security for long messages. I'd sooner specify that applications "MUST" crash if the input message is bigger than some threshold. Loup.
- [CFRG] XChacha20 counter size Loup Vaillant-David
- Re: [CFRG] XChacha20 counter size Taylor R Campbell
- Re: [CFRG] XChacha20 counter size Filippo Valsorda
- Re: [CFRG] XChacha20 counter size Scott Arciszewski
- Re: [CFRG] XChacha20 counter size Loup Vaillant-David
- Re: [CFRG] XChacha20 counter size Loup Vaillant-David
- Re: [CFRG] XChacha20 counter size Loup Vaillant-David
- [CFRG] Security limits of ChachPoly (was: XChacha… Loup Vaillant-David
- Re: [CFRG] Security limits of ChachPoly (was: XCh… Taylor R Campbell
- Re: [CFRG] Security limits of ChachPoly (was: XCh… Loup Vaillant-David
- Re: [CFRG] XChacha20 counter size D. J. Bernstein