Re: [CFRG] XChacha20 counter size
Scott Arciszewski <> Sat, 26 December 2020 00:10 UTC
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From: Scott Arciszewski <>
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2020 19:10:41 -0500
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To: Filippo Valsorda <>
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Subject: Re: [CFRG] XChacha20 counter size
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On Fri, Dec 25, 2020 at 6:59 PM Filippo Valsorda <> wrote: > 2020-12-25 23:32 GMT+01:00 Loup Vaillant-David <>: > > Hi, Merry Christmas, > > I've just learned that draft-irtf-cfrg-xchacha-03 specifies a 32-bit > counter. From what I can see, this is because it leans on the Chacha20 > variant described in RFC 8439. > > This is problematic on two levels: > > - This is a departure from existing implementations. XSalsa20 from > NaCl uses a 64-bit counter. XChacha20 in Libsodium also uses a 64-bit > counter. In general, all XChacha20 implementations I know of use a > 64-bit counter. > > > I don't know about XSalsa20, but DJB's Salsa20 code as distributed with > NaCl and from the Salsa20 homepage wraps shortly after overflowing a 32-bit > counter, even if it's defined to have a 64-bit counter, so the originalism > argument is not that strong. > > He declined to acknowledge it as an issue because of the policy at >, because he claimed support for counters > larger than 32 bits is an incomplete experiment, and because there is an > empty file named warning-256gb in the SUPERCOP benchmarks tarball. > > > > The Go XChaCha20 implementation will panic if the counter reaches 32 bits, > per the draft. > > - A 32-bit counter limits the length of the messages to realistically > attainable lengths (256 GiB), thus introducing a new (and avoidable) > way to shoot ourselves in the foot. > > If this draft is adopted as is, users could end up vulnerable when they > switch to a pedantically conformant implementation. I believe we don't > want that. XChacha20 has 256 bits available for the nonce and counter, > we should use them all. Shrinking the counter down to 32 bits put end > users at risk, without giving them any benefit in return. > > My suggestion is the following: instead of leaning on the Chacha20 > variant described in RFC 8439, we should stick to the original > Chacha20, as designed by DJB. > > --- > > While we're at it, I note that RFC 8439 is slightly at odds with > existing implementations as well (I know of Libsodium and my own > Monocypher). Instead of using a genuine 32-bit counter, we initialise > the Chacha block just like the RFC say we should, then we pretend we > had a 64-bit counter all along. That way we can use the same core loop > for all variants: original DJB, IETF, and XChacha20. > > The only difference is what happens when we overflow the 32-bit > counter. This can happen in two cases: > > - We use RFC 8439, and the message is too long (>256 GiB). This is > arguably an error, and the user must make sure it never happens. > - We use XChacha20, and the message exceed 256 GiB. This should be > allowed, to eliminate a dangerous edge case. > > Would it be possible to add an note to RFC 8439, that explicitly allows > implementations to increment the least significant word of the nonce > when the counter wraps back to zero? > > > Please don't. Overlapping ranges make bounds analysis way harder, and most > importantly generating the same keystream for (key, nonce, large message) > and (key, nonce + 1, message) is unexpected, contradicts the definition of > the cipher, and can leak plaintext when sequential nonces are in use. > Sequential nonces are a perfectly acceptable and widespread practice, > especially with ChaCha20 where the nonce is too small for random nonces, > although to be fair I don't know what endianness is most commonly in use. > > In fact, if a library implements this behavior in plain ChaCha20, I would > report it as a security issue. Either applications never generate messages > longer than 256GiB, in which case failing after the overflow would make no > difference, or they are insecure if they use sequential nonces in little > endian. > > If you offer a short-nonce long-counter variant, that's different since > 32-bit counter overflow will not increase the application-provided nonce. > > That's a detail, though. My most > important request remains that XChacha20 use all 64 bits for its > counter. > > Thank you for your time, > Loup. > > > _______________________________________________ > CFRG mailing list > > > > > _______________________________________________ > CFRG mailing list > > As the author of the XChaCha RFC draft, I view making XChaCha20-Poly1305 incompatible with the IETF's ChaCha20-Poly1305 a non-goal.
- [CFRG] XChacha20 counter size Loup Vaillant-David
- Re: [CFRG] XChacha20 counter size Taylor R Campbell
- Re: [CFRG] XChacha20 counter size Filippo Valsorda
- Re: [CFRG] XChacha20 counter size Scott Arciszewski
- Re: [CFRG] XChacha20 counter size Loup Vaillant-David
- Re: [CFRG] XChacha20 counter size Loup Vaillant-David
- Re: [CFRG] XChacha20 counter size Loup Vaillant-David
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- Re: [CFRG] XChacha20 counter size D. J. Bernstein