Re: [CFRG] RGLC on draft-irtf-cfrg-opaque-13

Kevin Lewi <> Thu, 11 April 2024 23:14 UTC

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From: Kevin Lewi <>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 16:14:21 -0700
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Subject: Re: [CFRG] RGLC on draft-irtf-cfrg-opaque-13
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X-List-Received-Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 23:14:39 -0000 <>: Just wanted to check one last time if
you had a chance to review our response. We have updated the latest version
of the draft (draft-irtf-cfrg-opaque-14), which we believe addresses your
feedback. See also the github PR which has some additional discussion:

If you could let us know if the changes address your concerns, that
would be great, as it would unblock the process forward.


On Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 4:55 AM "Stanislav V. Smyshlyaev" <>
<> wrote:

> Dear CFRG,
> The authors have updated the draft.
> Please feel free to express whether the changes address your concerns.
> Regards,
> Stanislav (for chairs)
> On Tue, Mar 5, 2024 at 9:37 AM Kevin Lewi <> wrote:
>> Hi Steve!
>> Just wanted to check in and see if you had a chance to review my response
>> to your feedback above. Let me know if there is anything else that you
>> would like to see addressed explicitly, or if we are good to go.
>> Kevin
>> On Sun, Feb 11, 2024 at 8:59 PM Kevin Lewi <> wrote:
>>> (Replying to:
>>> Hi Steve,
>>> Appreciate the review and the feedback! Here are my thoughts:
>>> 1) "There should be a section mentioning that OPAQUE is doubly augmented
>>> and why that's better than augmented."
>>> I gave this some thought and I think I understand the distinction
>>> between an sdPAKE vs. aPAKE. But I am not entirely sure if we should get
>>> into this level of detail in the draft, mainly because I am struggling to
>>> figure out how to phrase this in a way that is generally understandable to
>>> most readers without causing confusion. However, if you do feel like this
>>> would be necessary to include in the draft text, can you perhaps write up a
>>> suggested paragraph under a new subsection of the "Security Considerations"
>>> section which covers this detail? Then we can discuss and iterate on the
>>> wording. You can also open a PR on
>>> and we can
>>> continue the discussion via comments over there.
>>> 2) Section 10.3. "Related Protocols" should probably be removed.
>>> I agree, good suggestion! I went ahead and put up a PR for this change.
>>> 3) The mentions of "offline registration" should be changed to "online
>>> registration".
>>> Good point, this is confusing. Seems like we have a PR up (
>>> to address
>>> this, by changing "offline registration" to simply read as "registration"
>>> (no "online"). Let me know if that also sounds acceptable.
>>> 4) Now the good parts of OPAQUE that weren't mentioned. Stateless HSM
>>> implementation.
>>> I agree with this as well, but similar to point #1, do you think that
>>> this is something that we actually need to include explicitly in the draft
>>> text? And if so, do you have a suggested change or wording that would be
>>> suitable for adding to one of the sections?
>>> Let me know if I missed anything.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kevin
>>> On Thu, Feb 1, 2024 at 12:39 AM <> wrote:
>>>> I've been meaning to do a full review and just checked the status. So
>>>> this might be a little rushed. Anyway...
>>>> ----
>>>> "Asymmetric PAKE" is not a thing. aPAKE means "augmented PAKE" and some
>>>> time ago people saw "aPAKE" and thought it meant asymmetric because of it's
>>>> asymmetrical relation between the client and server. The first PAKE was a
>>>> balanced PAKE and it was then augmented so that a server doesn't hold a
>>>> password equivalent. There are currently four types of PAKEs: balanced,
>>>> augmented, doubly augmented, and identity. Abbreviated bPAKE, aPAKE, dPAKE,
>>>> iPAKE and if the non-balanced PAKE has an OPRF then it is "strong" and is
>>>> prefixed with an "s". Note that bPAKE ⊂ aPAKE ⊂ dPAKE ⊂ iPAKE. For info on
>>>> iPAKEs see
>>>> Doubly augmented PAKEs' best use case is WiFi: compromising a device
>>>> doesn't lead to being able to act as an AP. The first description of a
>>>> dPAKE: "SPAKE2 can even be doubly augmented, where Alice does the same
>>>> thing, but I'm not sure if there's any application to that." -Mike Hamburg (
>>>> I
>>>> actually couldn't think of a reason either until around the time the WiFi
>>>> Alliance picked a known to be broken bPAKE.
>>>> Which brings us to OPAQUE is not an aPAKE, it's a sdPAKE. One way to
>>>> think of OPAQUE, as a sdPAKE, is that it's a cert delivery protocol. Once
>>>> the client has the cert they just store and use it. There should be a
>>>> section mentioning that OPAQUE is doubly augmented and why that's better
>>>> than augmented