[Cfrg] Conditional requirements in ANSI X9.62-2005 [was 25519 naming]
Dan Brown <dbrown@certicom.com> Thu, 28 August 2014 15:24 UTC
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From: Dan Brown <dbrown@certicom.com>
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Thread-Topic: Conditional requirements in ANSI X9.62-2005 [was [Cfrg] 25519 naming]
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Continuing this discussion for two reasons: - various IETF docs indirectly refer to ANSI X9.62, for key generation, key validation, and for ECDSA signing and verifying, so correct interpretation is warranted - a clarity issue that Dan Bernstein raised about ANSI X9.62 may be more generally relevant to other standards documents. > -----Original Message----- > From: D. J. Bernstein > Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 2:54 AM > > The ANSI ECDSA standard specifies elliptic curves mod p to have short > Weierstrass form y^2 = x^3+ax+b (see the "elliptic curves and points" > section), That quote's from Annex A.3.1.1. All elliptic curves defined over Fp can be converted to short Weierstrass form. ANSI X9.62-2005 opts to describe Fp curves (and points) using this form. Note that this is an abstraction, not an encoding. Encodings and conversion are covered elsewhere in the ANSI X9.62-2005, e.g. A.5 and E. In particular, in the abstract, this section supports the curve used in Curve25519, though not the exact form thereof. > specifies ECDSA public keys as points on such curves ("key pair > generation"), Again, an abstraction. This level of abstraction allows implementations to use their own internal point and integer representation, e.g. little-endian or big-endian, and still claim conformance to the algorithms. Clearly, any protocol, e.g. RFC 4492, using these algorithms must go further and specify encodings on the wire. > specifies required encodings ("conversions between data types > that SHALL BE USED in the algorithms specified in this Standard"---emphasis > added), and in particular specifies the string encodings of curve points (x,y) > ("point-to-octet-string conversion"). Both of these quotes are from Annex A.5, which is referred to in: Section 7.3 (signature generation), for converting a point and a hash to integers, Section 7.4 (signature verification), for converting a point and a hash to integers, Annex A.3.3 and A.3.4 ("random" curve and base point selection) for converting a hash to an integer, for converting an integer to a field element. Annex E for representing keys and signatures as ASN.1 values (which can then be encoded using DER, PER, XER, etc.) Annex E.1 says "it is not required that elliptic curve domain parameters, key, and signatures, be represented with ASN.1 syntax". So, to represent keys and signatures without ASN.1, ANSI X9.62-2005 does not bind the implementer to using A.5 for such representation. > > The NIST ECDSA standard simply copies the ANSI formats (e.g., requiring > signatures to be "verified as specified in ANS X9.62"). As for Internet wire > formats, RFC 4492 states that its point formats "are specified in [7]"; [7] is a > normative reference, the ANSI ECDSA standard. RFC 4492 requires exactly these > formats to be used on the wire in TLS. An implementation using a different > format wouldn't interoperate with standard TLS ECDSA. Similar comments apply > outside the TLS context. > > I'm not saying that these are good standards. I'm also not saying that it would > be difficult for IETF to deviate from the previous standards and specify a better > wire format (as I recommend). I'm simply saying that various claims here > regarding ECDSA compliance are incorrect. I'm not quite sure if you're saying my claims from yesterday are incorrect, but I hope I have helped clarify. I don't see what I wrote yesterday on the previous thread to be inconsistent with the cross-reference tracking above. That all said, I agree that ANSI X9.62-2005 could have been made clearer. The clarity issues seem to have two aspects: the first is that a thorough implementer might scan the document for "shall", and mistakenly fail to realize some "shall" is only a conditional requirement, and not required in all possible contexts. For another example, Annex A.3.5.3 says "Elliptic curve domain parameters shall be generated as follows". If a text-scanning implementer failed to notice Section 2 of ANSI X9.62, which advises that the conformance to the standard only requires one of the six techniques, s/he might mistakenly believe s/he must implement curve generation even if all s/he wants to do is verify a signature or generate a key pair. In general, what is a good wording to avoid this potential confusion from such confusion? Here are some awkward re-wordings of the examples above: A.3.5.3: "If elliptic curve domain parameters are generated, then they shall be generated as follows:" A.5 "conversions between data types that are specified in the algorithms in this Standard shall be as follows" Actually, the full sentence from A.5 is: "Figure A.1 provides a cross-reference for the annexes defining conversions between data types that shall be used in the algorithms specified in this Standard." In hindsight, it was a mistake to place a "shall" in a sentence that merely explains a figure. So, I'd think that changing "shall be" to "are" would be appropriate. The correct way to for the requirement is along a path such as: Section 2 -> Section 7.3 -> Section A.5.6 The second aspect of the clarity issue is that an implementer needs some kind of internal representation and would look in A.5 for such a representation. At that point, the implementer might think "shall" language to be binding upon external representations too. I think an explanatory note might resolve this problem. Or, perhaps removing the term "shall" from A.5 would work too, with the term "shall" being used in the section referring to A.5. Best regards, Dan