Re: [Cfrg] 25519 naming
"D. J. Bernstein" <> Thu, 28 August 2014 06:54 UTC
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Subject: Re: [Cfrg] 25519 naming
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The ANSI ECDSA standard specifies elliptic curves mod p to have short Weierstrass form y^2 = x^3+ax+b (see the "elliptic curves and points" section), specifies ECDSA public keys as points on such curves ("key pair generation"), specifies required encodings ("conversions between data types that SHALL BE USED in the algorithms specified in this Standard"---emphasis added), and in particular specifies the string encodings of curve points (x,y) ("point-to-octet-string conversion"). The NIST ECDSA standard simply copies the ANSI formats (e.g., requiring signatures to be "verified as specified in ANS X9.62"). As for Internet wire formats, RFC 4492 states that its point formats "are specified in [7]"; [7] is a normative reference, the ANSI ECDSA standard. RFC 4492 requires exactly these formats to be used on the wire in TLS. An implementation using a different format wouldn't interoperate with standard TLS ECDSA. Similar comments apply outside the TLS context. I'm not saying that these are good standards. I'm also not saying that it would be difficult for IETF to deviate from the previous standards and specify a better wire format (as I recommend). I'm simply saying that various claims here regarding ECDSA compliance are incorrect. Last month I had already pointed out several serious errors in Microsoft claims regarding compliance with existing standards such as ECDSA. I was expecting a response to help move the discussion forward---for example, withdrawing the claims, or perhaps pinpointing an area of legitimate dispute if there is one. Instead some of the errors were simply repeated. This is a disappointingly unproductive pattern. I would hope to see more responsiveness in the future. David Leon Gil writes: [ regarding short-Weierstrass coordinates, Montgomery coordinates, etc. ] > I'd suggest that talking in this way is better than talking about > different curves as 'coordinate systems'. The word "coordinates" is broader than you think. See, e.g., polar coordinates. The distinction between, e.g., short-Weierstrass coordinates and Edwards coordinates for Curve25519 is much more superficial than the distinction between, e.g., Curve25519 and NIST P-256. The change of coordinates for Curve25519 has no effect on field arithmetic (which is most of the code in a good implementation), has only a small effect on overall efficiency (since the implementor can change coordinates internally), and has a provably negligible effect on important security metrics such as discrete-logarithm difficulty. It's important for curves to _support_ Montgomery coordinates and (complete) Edwards coordinates, and there's an extra gain in simplicity from choosing wire formats carefully (as in X25519 for DH and Ed25519 for signatures), but there are many other issues that transcend the choice of coordinates and that should be discussed without the distraction of specifying coordinates. ---Dan
- [Cfrg] 25519 naming D. J. Bernstein
- Re: [Cfrg] 25519 naming Tony Arcieri
- Re: [Cfrg] 25519 naming David Leon Gil
- Re: [Cfrg] 25519 naming Dan Brown
- Re: [Cfrg] 25519 naming Watson Ladd
- [Cfrg] Fwd: 25519 naming David Leon Gil
- Re: [Cfrg] 25519 naming D. J. Bernstein
- Re: [Cfrg] 25519 naming Andrey Jivsov
- Re: [Cfrg] 25519 naming Robert Ransom
- Re: [Cfrg] 25519 naming Andrey Jivsov
- Re: [Cfrg] 25519 naming Robert Ransom