[codec] RTP Payload Format and File Storage Format for Opus Speech and Audio Codec - draft-spittka-payload-rtp-opus-00

"Julian Spittka" <julian.spittka@skype.net> Tue, 05 July 2011 00:06 UTC

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Subject: [codec] RTP Payload Format and File Storage Format for Opus Speech and Audio Codec - draft-spittka-payload-rtp-opus-00
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Please find a first draft "draft-spittka-payload-rtp-opus-00" for the "RTP
Payload Format and File Storage Format for Opus Speech and Audio Codec"
uploaded at

Any feedback, questions, or comments are highly welcome.

Best Regards,


Julian Spittka

see & chat: julian_spittka
write: julian.spittka@skype.net