Re: [conex] ECN marking over wireless networks

Michael Welzl <> Thu, 07 June 2012 09:14 UTC

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I've been wanting to write an answer to this for a long time but just 
never got around to it. Sorry!

I see ast least two major problems with suggesting an ECN marking method 
for wireless systems (in fact there are more, as you mention in your own 

1) Fairness. If I get to send at a lower rate, I waste more of 
everyone's resources. My own benefit is also reduced. Should I send even 
less than what the system now allows me, to be friendly to everyone, or 
should I send as much as I can? I might be in worse conditions than 
others; does that mean that I should be even worse off? I think the 
correct answer would have to be a function of the impact that my own 
traffic has on the utility that everyone else is getting out of the 
network resources, and the utility that I am getting out of them. We can 
assume a general case of a strictly concave function and solve the 
problem with calculations a la proportional fairness... but then again, 
not all applications have such utility functions (e.g. VoIP is 
different, and using e.g. VoIP over WiFi is not at all uncommon). A good 
solution would therefore have to make a local decision that is based on 
knowing which applications are used.

2) Heterogeneity: wireless systems differ greatly. For instance, in [1] 
we found that, **in total absence of real noise**, TCP's throughput 
across a WLAN can very much depend on the chosen rate adaptation 
mechanisms. Essentially, this means that some rate adaptation mechanisms 
do a bad job at trying to detect noise, and mistake collisions for it. 
They then switch to a lower rate when they really shouldn't (on a side 
note, Minstrel, available in MadWifi, seemed to always work best). Now, 
note that in a practical WLAN you don't even know which rate adaptation 
mechanism is chosen by the individual hosts participating! Under such 
conditions, how would you make an ECN-marking rule work well for 
everyone? Yes we could design a rule, but that would have to depend on 
the driver and even the configuration of not only the AP but all the 
hosts currently involved.

To conclude: yes I think this is interesting stuff, and worth 
investigating as a research topic. As such it's perfectly fine to 
discuss it at ICCRG (I suggest: on the basis of measurements). And maybe 
(an adaptation of) conex can solve problem #1 above - but not problem 
#2. It is therefore clear to me that we cannot make a general 
recommendation at this stage, and I think it's very likely that, even 
after carrying out a lot of research on this, no *general* 
recommendation can ever be made.


[1] Naeem Khademi, Michael Welzl, Stein Gjessing: "Experimental 
Evaluation of TCP Performance in Multi-rate 802.11 WLANs", accepted for 
publication, IEEE WoWMoM 2012, 25-28 June 2012, San Francisco, 
California, USA.

On 5/9/12 10:48 PM, wrote:
> Hi,
> There has been some discussion during the IETF 83 in Paris in ICCRG 
> and CONEX WG about relevant ECN marking algorithms over wireless networks.
> Some aspects related to this topic are discussed in this draft: 
> briefly introduced during ICCRG meeting.
> This email aims at starting some discussion on the mailing lists of 
> ICCRG and CONEX, as requested by the chairs after the discussions 
> during IETF 83.
> Essentially, the main aspect pointed out during the discussions was 
> that there might benefits in taking into account the radio conditions 
> of the mobile terminal for ECN marking over the radio segment and for 
> congestion-volume counting. The reason for this is that it requires 
> more radio resources to transmit the same amount of data to a terminal 
> in bad radio conditions compared to a terminal in good radio conditions.
> As an introduction to the discussion, it might be useful to mention 
> that different potential /use cases/ for ECN marking involving the 
> mobile terminal could be envisaged:
> 1.interaction with TCP
> 2.adapt the coding rate of adaptive application (e.g. adaptive 
> streaming, etc.), as suggested in 3GPP TS 36.300 document
> 3.stop/delay the non-urgent applications (background tasks in the 
> terminal, etc.)
> 4.congestion-volume counting (as for Conex related use cases)
> This list is obviously non-exhaustive, and shows that depending on the 
> final utilization of the congestion notification, different algorithms 
> for ECN marking over the radio segment might be imagined. The most 
> optimal algorithm certainly depends on the final objective.
> From the comments received during the discussion, it seems that the 
> first ECN marking algorithm over the radio segment that comes to most 
> people’s mind is to consider an average queue length exceeding a given 
> threshold, as for RED. It should be noted that because the radio 
> segment shares the radio resource among several terminals, one 
> dedicated queue per terminal is in general considered.
> Therefore, if one would like to apply RED over a wireless segment, it 
> should be clarified whether it would be applied independently on each 
> dedicated queue per terminal (n instances of RED considered for the 
> radio segment), or on the sum of all the dedicated queues (1 single 
> instance of RED considered for the radio segment). This would lead to 
> two different ECN marking /criteria/:
> 1.RED based on the individual queue of each terminal
> 2.RED based on a single shared queue between all the terminals
> Several remarks were raised during the presentation of the draft in 
> ICCRG and the discussion in CONEX:
> -On the interactions with TCP (use case #1 listed above), it was 
> mentioned that TCP works on a longer timescale relative to the 
> wireless channel. In other words: the radio conditions may vary more 
> quickly than TCP reactions. This is correct, however, it should be 
> mentioned that the objective of ECN marking over the radio segment is 
> not to replace the existing radio schedulers, which already provide a 
> suitable control loop over these shorter time scales. As an example, 
> the very common Proportional Fair (PF) algorithm aims at addressing 
> exactly this point, by trying to optimize the allocation of radio 
> resources (the terminals in good instantaneous radio conditions are 
> favored compared to the others, as to optimize the cell capacity, 
> while certain fairness is ensured in the longer term by taking into 
> account also the averaged throughputs delivered to the terminals).
> -Still regarding the interactions with TCP (use case #1 listed above), 
> assume now that a PF algorithm is used to control the allocation of 
> radio resources. It was mentioned also that if it is assumed that ECN 
> marking is done according to the individual queue of each terminal 
> (criteria #1 listed above), then a terminal in bad radio conditions 
> will already experience ECN marking more often without the need to 
> weight the probability of the ECN marking with the radio conditions of 
> the terminal. This is due to the fact that PF provides higher 
> throughput to terminals in good averaged radio conditions than in bad 
> averaged radio conditions. Actually, the amount of ECN marking will 
> depend in this case whether the throughput required to transmit the 
> data to a particular terminal is lower than the throughput provided to 
> this terminal by PF; if not, then no ECN marking should happen for 
> this terminal in these conditions (even during congested periods 
> actually).
> -Based on this discussion, it seems to me that the interaction of ECN 
> marking with TCP should not be analyzed in terms of benefits it brings 
> to control the allocation of resources over the radio segment, which 
> is already under the control of the radio scheduler. It seems that 
> this second control loop provided by ECN marking interacting with TCP 
> would rather aim at indicating when the traffic rate of a terminal 
> exceeds the throughput provided by PF to this terminal, which could be 
> useful for use case #2 (coding rate adaptation). Basically, it is 
> expected that this second control loop would try to “align” with the 
> throughput provided by the first one (keeping in mind that PF provides 
> throughputs varying with time).
> -The same example but now with the ECN marking criteria #2 instead of 
> #1 raises however issues. Indeed, in case the throughput required to 
> transmit the data to one particular terminal is lower than the 
> throughput provided to this terminal, this will lead to ECN marking 
> for all the terminals, even the ones below the PF throughput, which is 
> a situation that should be avoided when interaction with TCP is 
> desirable. Excessive traffic consumption on one terminal should not 
> impact the others (i.e. should not lead to the generation of ECN 
> marking for the others). Definitely, the criteria #1 does not seem a 
> good idea when interaction with TCP is desired.
> -Considering the use case #3 depicted earlier now, it should be noted 
> however that the previous situation with PF + ECN marking based on 
> individual queues (criteria #1) has some limitation. Indeed, in case 
> of radio congestion (assume here that radio congestion means that all 
> the radio resources are used and are not enough to transmit all the 
> data to be transmitted to all the terminals – a more accurate 
> definition might be found), some of the terminals may not received ECN 
> marking, as indicated before (in case they require less than what PF 
> can provide to them). Perhaps some of the data transmitted to these 
> non-notified terminals are not so critical and might be delayed, as to 
> free resources to the other users with more important traffic to be 
> exchanged. The depicted situation does not provide incentives to do 
> this, because ECN marking only applies to some users. It is the reason 
> why it might be interesting to consider other ECN marking algorithms 
> (which might not aim at interacting necessarily with TCP; BTW not all 
> the applications are running over TCP), as to inform about the 
> congestion situation. The idea is to say to the end user: “Hey! The 
> system starts being full, the PF algorithm will still provide you with 
> some network resources, but if some of your data can be delayed, 
> please do so!” Of course, this kind of approach might be coupled with 
> congestion-volume counting / CONEX use cases, to provide incentives.
> -Let’s take a practical example to illustrate (note sure it is the 
> best one, but it is the one that comes to my mind…): you need to go to 
> some administration to collect some administrative document – say, a 
> voting card to elect your new president. There is already a long 
> queue, but you could pass with a “certain priority” because what you 
> need to do is faster than what other people have to do. However, if 
> you collect your document, you consume resources of the system that 
> will not be available to the others during this time – the person in 
> front of you will be busy giving you your document. And what you need 
> to do is not urgent – the election is not tomorrow, you will have time 
> to come back later. Perhaps you would like to be fair with the other 
> people having more urgent things to do and waiting in the queue, and 
> you will not wait and instead come back later? And perhaps a signal 
> indicating the congestion might be useful (it is probably good to know 
> if the queue is long or not, rather than waiting without information).
> -Considering the use case #4 depicted earlier now on congestion-volume 
> counting: it seems logical to me that the count would take into 
> account the real network resource usage rather than simply the number 
> of bits transmitted. This would provide again incentives to users in 
> bad radio conditions to delay non-urgent network usage. Moreover, an 
> interesting question which should be raised would be to define what 
> corresponds to a “congested period” for the radio segment: is it only 
> when the terminal exceeds its PF rate, or should a congestion period 
> be considered when the system starts being full/is full? This might 
> trigger different ECN marking algorithms on the wireless segment.
> I had noted two other comments from the discussions in IETF 83:
> -TCP middlebox accelerating TCP window growth: some comment was made 
> on the mic, however I am not sure that I understood what this device 
> is supposed to do; would anyone of you have some reference on this?
> -Retransmission over the radio segment: should it be taken into 
> account as well for congestion-volume counting? It would mean that a 
> lost packet that is retransmitted by the low layers should be counted 
> twice? (after all, if it was retransmitted by TCP, it would have been 
> counted twice as well, right?)
> Feedback on this discussion is welcomed. Thanks in advance.
> Cheers,
> *Sébastien JOBERT*
> Orange Expert "Future Networks", network synchronization and QoS in 
> mobile networks
> *Orange Labs, Networks & Carriers - France Telecom R&D*
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