Re: [core] 🔔 CoRE Working Group Adoption call for draft-hartke-t2trg-coral-09 and draft-hartke-t2trg-ciri-03

Jim Schaad <> Tue, 16 July 2019 20:31 UTC

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Big +1 - These documents make a lot of sense.

-----Original Message-----
From: core <> On Behalf Of Carsten Bormann
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 12:12 PM
To: core <>
Subject: [core] 🔔 CoRE Working Group Adoption call for draft-hartke-t2trg-coral-09 and draft-hartke-t2trg-ciri-03

In Prague, we said we were going to adopt the two base CoRAL specifications (which are currently marked as T2TRG drafts) as CoRE working group items.  We didn’t do the validation on the mailing list yet, which this working group adoption call is about.

Among other things, the adoption of these drafts is intended to fill the hole left when we put draft-ietf-core-links-json on hold.  So if you want to comment on the WG adoption, please also keep this aspect in mind, even if it could also be handled in a more orthogonal way (which you could recommend).

This starts a one-week working group adoption call.
(Normally we wouldn’t run a WG call that partially overlaps an IETF, but this time there is plenty of opportunity to think about CoRAL during the IETF, including the hackathon and the side meeting on core applications before the first of our two WG meetings.)

This is a formal call for adoption of draft-hartke-t2trg-coral-09 and draft-hartke-t2trg-ciri-03 as WG documents of the CoRE WG.
If you have read the drafts and support adopting them, please say so.
If you see a problem with adopting them as a WG document, please tell us.
For both, remember that WG adoption does not mean that we already have consensus on all the details(*), just that this is the right working document to address the issue (and that we should address the issue in the first place); you are encouraged to mention any issues that you already know.
Please respond to, or exceptionally to (for off-list comments).

This formal WG adoption call runs until the end of July 23rd so we can pick up the results at the CoRE meeting on July 25th.

Grüße, Carsten

(*) the most bikeshed issue (also relevant for the new draft name) appears to be whether CIRIs, which aren’t really IRIs that much, should rather be called CoRIs or maybe CRIs or even something completely different.  Please comment on this most important branding issue under if you care.

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