Re: [datatracker-rqmts] New Requirement

Paul Hoffman <> Mon, 15 November 2010 19:30 UTC

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Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 11:30:45 -0800
To: Royer Software and Services <>,
From: Paul Hoffman <>
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Subject: Re: [datatracker-rqmts] New Requirement
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>On 11/15/2010 2:17 AM, Jim Schaad wrote:
>>I believe that there may be situations where one wishes to create lists
>>based on data that is private.  In this case either the list must not be
>>able to be made public or it must be restricted based on the same
>>constraints as the data.
>>An example of where this might occur is called for.
>>The ISE might desire to add a field to the data tracker listing the set of
>>people who either have or have been asked to review a document.  This field
>>is restricted to the ISE and the IESB.  If these people create a list based
>>on the existence of a name in this field then it could be considered to be
>>restricted to a small set of people.

At 12:17 PM -0700 11/15/10, Royer Software and Services wrote:
>Why would it be a secret as to who viewed, read, or reviewed public documents?

That's not what Jim said. His example was some private data in the Datatracker.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium