[dhcwg] Small mistake in RFC 3315?

Mateusz Ożga <matozga@gmail.com> Fri, 24 August 2012 22:49 UTC

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I recently read RFC 3315 and I found a mistake in one place (in my opinion).

Section 22.5:

"Note that an IA has no explicit "lifetime" or "lease length" of its own.
When the valid lifetimes of all of the addresses in an IA_TA have expired,
the IA can be considered as having expired."

Should be:

"Note that an IA_TA has no explicit "lifetime" or "lease length" of its own.
When the valid lifetimes of all of the addresses in an IA_TA have expired,
the IA_TA can be considered as having expired."

This is mistake made by writing/forming RFC document?
Should I report errata for this?
