[dhcwg] *DRAFT* minutes from dhc WG meeting, IETF 56
Ralph Droms <rdroms@cisco.com> Thu, 10 April 2003 18:46 UTC
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Included below are *DRAFT* minutes from the dhc WG meeting in SF. Please respond with additions, deletions or corrections before 4PM EDT, Fri 4/11. - Ralph ----- Minute of dhc WG Meeting, IETF 56 ================================= Administrivia, agenda bashing, WG progress report - Ralph Droms --------------------------------------------------------------- Progress report since last WG meeting: RFCs published: The Classless Static Route Option for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) version 4, RFC3442 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Option for CableLabs Client Configuration, RFC3495 Accepted as Draft Standard: DHCPv6 Link Selection sub-option for the Relay Agent Information Option for DHCPv4 Passed last call: Security Ticket Control Sub-option for the CableLabs Client Configuration Option DNS Configuration options for DHCPv6 NIS Configuration Options for DHCPv6 Time Configuration Options for DHCPv6 DHCP Options for Internet Storage Name Service IPv6 Prefix Options for DHCPv6 Review of new charter, request for milestones - Ralph Droms ----------------------------------------------------------- Droms announced that charter had been accepted by IESG and posted to www.ietf.org. He noted that draft authors will be asked to supply milestones for posting with the charter. DHCP security review team report - Barr Hibbs --------------------------------------------- Review team has made progress but did not publish draft prior to pre-IETF deadline; team will publish initial draft after IETF blackout. Focus is currently on DHCPv4, but results may be applicable to DHCPv6 as well. Vipul Gupta has agreed to re-publish earlier draft on certificate-based DHCP authentication. Ted Lemon and Michael Richardson have published a draft using SIG(0) keys (see below). 'Securing DHCP with DNSSEC bourne public keys' - Ted Lemon <draft-richardson-dhc-auth-sig0-00.txt> ---------------------------------------------------------- This draft was published just before the IETF deadline and is incomplete. The fundamental idea in this draft is to perform DHCP authentication using DNS SIG(0) keys. The WG accepted the draft as WG work item. Authentication of relay agent options - John Schnizlein ------------------------------------------------------- Schnizlein volunteered at previous IETF to conduct comparison of two proposals for securing communication between a relay agent and server (draft-ietf-dhc-auth-suboption-01.txt, Stapp and Lemon; draft-droms-dhcp-relay-agent-ipsec-00.txt, Droms). His conclusion is that the proposals are each applicable in different situations. Thomas Narten questioned whether the WG should advance two mechanisms that address the same problem. The authors of the two drafts and Schnizlein said the two proposals may be appropriate in different environments, if IPsec is already available on all the participating components, the IPsec-based method may be usable with no additional configuration or software updates; the authentication has better scalability (key management) properties when IPsec is not already deployed. Narten suggested we could flip a coin to choose between the two proposals. Droms observed that, while there is some overlap between the applicability of the two proposals, there are significant cases in which only one of the two is appropriate. The WG will continue to work on both proposals. VPN-ID option and sub-option - Kim Kinnear <draft-ietf-dhc-vpn-option-02.txt> <draft-ietf-dhc-agent-vpn-id-02.txt> ------------------------------------------- Narten asked about the requirements for these options - what problem spaces do they apply to? What are the situations in which the server sends the option to the client/relay agent and what are the situations in which the client/relay agent sends the option to the server? Erik Nordmark asked about security considerations. John Schnizlein suggested the use of "VPN" in the name might be confusing - this option is intended to pass a VPN identifier as additional information about a client, rather than use a VPN in any kind of security. These two drafts are ready for WG last call after a name change and addition of an example case. DHCP server MIB - Barr Hibbs <draft-ietf-dhc-server-mib-08.txt> ---------------------------------- This draft is ready for WG last call; the MIB doctors who reviewed the draft will be asked to comment during WG last call. Option code recovery - Ralph Droms <draft-ietf-dhc-unused-optioncodes-00.txt> ------------------------------------------ This draft will be revised to edit out option codes related to PXE standard and to add more words about the plan for the use of draft; the document will then be ready for WG last call. Option code extensions - Bernie Volz <draft-volz-dhc-extended-optioncodes-00.txt> -------------------------------------------- This document resurrects an old proposal from Droms about using option codes 126 and 127 for options that would extend the DHCP option code space with 16-bit option codes. Volz proposes redefining option codes in the range 128-223 as DHCP option codes (managed by IANA), leaving option codes 224-254 as site-specific options codes. The WG accepted this document as a WG work item. Review of DHCP RFCs - Barr Hibbs draft-ietf-dhc-implementation-00.txt ------------------------------------ Hibbs is collecting references to text in the DHCP RFCs that is confusing, contradictory, incomplete, conflicted with other RFCs, difficult to implement, or could only be resolved by consensus at connectathons. The objective is to document these issues and suggest clarifications and corrections where necessary. The final document will be used in moving DHCP to full Standard. Rob Stevens is co-editor; the work was started three years ago by Mike Carney. Hibbs asked for more input. Failover protocol - Kinnear draft-ietf-dhc-failover-12.txt ------------------------------ Kinnear reported on changes since last revision and discussion. There was a meeting of failover authors and implementors in Atlanta, IETF 55: Kim Kinnear, Scanner Luce, Bernie Volz, Mark Stapp. Notes from that meeting are available at http://www1.ietf.org/mail-archive/working-groups/dhcwg/current/msg01902.html. Narten suggested publishing as Experimental. There are at least 6 implementations and at least two implementors reported customer interest in failover that will interoperate between DHCP servers from different vendors. One vendor (Lucent) noted that there has never been a request for their implementation. Droms asked if Experimental could be a step towards Standards track. Narten responded that SRV started as Experimental. Kinnear said he had no problem with Experimental; the important issue is to get a stake in the ground for implementors to work toward. WG responded that Proposed Standard is appropriate. Draft is now ready for WG last call. Lease query protocol - Kim Kinnear draft-ietf-dhc-leasequery-05.txt ---------------------------------- Kinnear described changes to draft and noted that there have been questions about the functions provided by the most recent document relative to the problem statement in the introduction. Narten expressed concern about feature creep; that is, using this mechanism to supply information to a network element that wouldn't be available to the network element through DHCP messages. Kinnear will revise draft to provide information retrieval capability identical to what could be obtained through reading DHCP messages. Document will then be ready for WG last call. DHCPv6 status - Ralph Droms draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-28.txt draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-interop-01.txt ------------------------------------ The base protocol specification has been accepted as Proposed Standard. Several options have passed WG last call and are ready to be forwarded to the IESG. Two rounds of interoperability testing have been conducted (TAHI and Connectathon), resulting in identification of several minor editorial and clarification issues. These issues have been published in draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-interop-01.txt and will be announced to IETF. The changes documented with the issues in that draft will be made before publication of the RFC. IPv4 Link Local addressing issue from zeroconf WG - Lemon --------------------------------------------------------- Ted explained that there is a dependency between IPv4LL and DHCP: the current specification for IPv4LL restricts an interface to be configured with either a routable IPv4 address or an IPv4LL address. However, transition from DHCP-assigned address to an IPv4LL address will require a change to RFC2131, to cause a DHCP client to drop its routable address in favor of an IPv4LL address when INIT-REBOOT fails. Ted will publish a summary of the issue to the DHC WG mailing list. _______________________________________________ dhcwg mailing list dhcwg@ietf.org https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/dhcwg