[Din] New SCP draft

David Mazieres <dm-list-ietf-ilc@scs.stanford.edu> Wed, 13 June 2018 21:33 UTC

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Subject: [Din] New SCP draft
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Hi, everyone.  We've posted a new draft of the SCP protocol spec in the
usual place:


In addition to a bunch of clarifications, the new draft addresses a bug
or serious ambiguity in how nodes may exit the NOMINATION phase.
Previously, nomination effectively had to go on in perpetuity.  Now, we
just run the NOMINATION and PREPARE phases concurrently, and allow a
node to accept a prepared ballot even before it has completed the
nomination phase.  This makes it possible for a node that has
externalized a slot to remember only the externalize message and no
longer have to participate in nomination.

To make this all clearer, we also added a new section with a table
summarizing the phase transitions.

Thanks for any comments and feedback.
