Re: [Din] Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-mayrhofer-did-dns-01.txt

Alexander Mayrhofer <> Mon, 18 February 2019 14:01 UTC

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From: Alexander Mayrhofer <>
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 15:00:54 +0100
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To: Stephane Bortzmeyer <>
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Subject: Re: [Din] Fwd: New Version Notification for draft-mayrhofer-did-dns-01.txt
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Stephane, all,

[I feel cautious about continuing to cross-post this to dnsop as well
as dinrg - however, it does apply to both areas, so i'll keep both
groups in for now]

On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 10:37 AM Stephane Bortzmeyer <> wrote:
> I think that it is an important work because it brings the power of
> the DNS to many other identifier systems. So, I support it.

Thanks - great to hear. I'm hearing that DIDs are being used in more
and more situations, so i think it makes sense to define that
"bridging" protocol between the two "worlds.

> May be more examples could help people figure out the use cases? "My
> Bitcoin address is at foobar.example" and then the Bitcoin software
> would query _did.foobar.example and get
> <did:bitcoin:1NZc7FJ7eHJgRMRSrmncJJM9bPnusJeuR6>.

I will add more examples in the next revision. We also need to include
an example for the "email address" use case.

> I note that there exists already non-standard (and probably not really
> deployed) solutions in that space, some specific to a TLD
> <>
> <>

I'm aware of the .luxe initiative, however, i haven't yet seen any
technical specifications about how the connection between DNS and
Blockchains is performed. If anybody has a pointer, i'd definitely
appreciate it.

The other alternative proposal i've found is -
scroll down for their definition of the TXT record. They don't use
DIDs as far as i understand, though.

> Regarding draft -01: it seems OK to me. The only problem I find:
> > particularly the concerns around downgrade attacks when the record
> > is not signed
> Why downgrade attacks specifically? Without DNSSEC, a lot of attacks
> are possible.

I agree, that section requires some rewording. I'm referring to the
language in the OpenPGP DANE RFC here. I'm happy to work on more text,
and open to suggestions :)
