[dispatch] Working Group Proposal: DNS Over HTTPS

Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman@icann.org> Thu, 10 August 2017 14:38 UTC

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From: Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman@icann.org>
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Greetings. Alexey asked Patrick and I to send this to DISPATCH to get discussion going.

--Paul Hoffman and Patrick McManus

Working Group: DNS Over HTTPS (DOH)

DNS queries sometimes experience problems with end-to-end connectivity at times and places where HTTPS flows freely. The use of HTTPS provides integrity and confidentiality, and it also allows the transport to interoperate with common HTTP infrastructure and policy.

The WG will standardize how HTTP clients can encode DNS queries and interpret DNS responses.

The WG will use best-practice HTTP semantics.

Specification of how the DNS data may used for new use cases, and the discovery of the DOH servers, are out of scope for the WG.

The WG will begin its work based on draft-hoffman-dispatch-dns-over-https.

The WG will deliver a document describing how to obtain and interpret DNS information using the HTTP protocol, with an IETF Last Call expected in December 2017.