[dns-privacy] CFP for DINR 2024 virtual workshop, Apr. 4, 2024, for early DNS research
Wes Hardaker <wjhns1@hardakers.net> Fri, 09 February 2024 14:58 UTC
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From: Wes Hardaker <wjhns1@hardakers.net>
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Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2024 06:57:58 -0800
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Subject: [dns-privacy] CFP for DINR 2024 virtual workshop, Apr. 4, 2024, for early DNS research
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We would like to invite you to our upcoming virtual workshop on "DNS and Internet Naming Research Directions - 2024" (DINR-2024). We will be holding this workshop virtually over Zoom on Thursday 2024-04-04 from 14:00 to 20:00 UTC (that's 07:00-13:00 PDT on the US west coast). This year, we have a particular focus on privacy and security of the DNS both now and in the future. For example, how has DNS-over-TLS and HTTPS or QUIC changed privacy for their users? Or operations for providers? However, we continue to welcome all DNS-related topics on infrastructure, tools, and any early DNS and general name space related work as well as any important updates about previous work. If you have work in these areas to share, or you want to hear about what the community is doing, we'd love to have you join us for DINR-2024. Like previous years, we're planning for a very interactive day of short talks followed by longer discussions. We are soliciting short abstracts (suggested 1 page text + 1 page references) from people who are interested presenting at the workshop. Abstracts are due soon on 2024-03-04, but as a reminder they need not be lengthy. 1-page maximum contributions are preferred. Co-chairs are John Heidemann and Wes Hardaker (both at USC/ISI), with Allison Mankin (Salesforce) and Moritz Müller (SIDN Labs) on the Technical Program Committee. If you wish to attend but not present, please submit a paragraph stating you wish to attend only and provide a brief background about your involvement with the DNS and identification. For details about DINR2024, see https://ant.isi.edu/events/dinr2024/ . (For information about DINR in prior years, see https://ant.isi.edu/events/ .) Please let us know if you're interested, or register your abstract at https://ant.isi.edu/dinr2024sub . -John and Wes on behalf of the DINR2024 TPC -- Wes Hardaker USC/ISI
- [dns-privacy] CFP for DINR 2024 virtual workshop,… Wes Hardaker