Re: [Gen-art] Gen-art telechat review of draft-ietf-i2rs-traceability-09
Joe Clarke <> Fri, 06 May 2016 20:27 UTC
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Subject: Re: [Gen-art] Gen-art telechat review of draft-ietf-i2rs-traceability-09
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Thank you for your review, Elwyn. You raise some excellent points. I'm top-posting here as I think we've addressed all of your concerns. We're still reviewing the new text among ourselves, but I wanted to show you the SxS diffs to get your take. Some of the changes incorporate other AD/IESG comments as well. Joe On 5/5/16 09:40, Elwyn Davies wrote: > Possibly Major issues: > Trace model: The tracing model seems to be a curious hybrid of state > recording and event logging. The introduction seems to imply that the > tracing model records events. Indeed it does but state entry events do > not appear to get recorded until the sequence transitions out of the > state. I can see that the COMPLETED entries record the total processing > period, but this loses the detail of when actual processing of the event > starts (as opposed to becoming PENDING). I was somewhat surprised that > a simple chained transition event model was not used (especially since > the tracing entries are actually chained together already). > > In particular if some sort of disaster occurs, it seems possible in this > model that events in the PENDING queue might never appear in the trace > log at all if the request hasn't started being processed. It also > doesn't record any preprocessing time before the request becomes > PENDING. If there is a processing bottleneck this could be significant > information. > > I was also wondering whether this model traces the arrival and departure > of clients (and whether authoentication/authorisation worked or not). > This may be covered by operation types in the architecture which I > haven't had time to read in detail. > > Minor issues: > > Nits/editorial comments: > s1: The Intro should also contain a description of the intention of the > document - basically a slight reworking of the abstract. It should also > outline the association of the framework with the interface (i2rs > client<->agent) to which the traceability applies. > > s3: >> The >> ability to automate and abstract even complex policy-based controls >> highlights the need for an equally scalable traceability function to >> provide event-level granularity of the routing system compliant with >> the requirements of I2RS (Section 5 of >> [I-D.ietf-i2rs-problem-statement]). > The 'routing system' doesn't have an event-level granularity. Maybe > OLD: > provide event-level granularity of the routing system > NEW: > provide recording at event-level granularity of the evolution of the > routing system > END > > s4: The section ends with this list of 'use cases': >> As I2RS becomes increasingly pervasive in routing environments, a >> traceability model offers significant advantages and facilitates the >> following use cases: >> >> 1 Automated event correlation, trend analysis, and anomaly >> detection; >> >> 2 Trace log storage for offline (manual or tools) analysis; >> >> 3 Improved accounting of routing system operations; >> >> 4 Standardized structured data format for writing common tools; >> >> 5 Common reference for automated testing and incident reporting; >> >> 6 Real-time monitoring and troubleshooting; >> >> 7 Enhanced network audit, management and forensic analysis >> capabilities. > I have added numbers to facilitate these comments: > IMO #2 and #4 are either not use cases or a not phrased as use cases. > The automated testing is not really a use case as such. Having these > characteristics supports the implementation of the actual use cases. > Related to the data retention comment above, storing some or all of the > trace log - and knowing which bits might be critical to control data > retention - is a use case but the basic storage is just a necessary > prerequisite of doing other things. I also might suggest a reordering > indicating importance perhaps. > > Thus I would suggest replacing this with something like: > > As I2RS becomes increasingly pervasive in routing environments, a > traceability model that supports controllable trace log retention > using a standardized structured data format offers significant > advantages, > such as the ability to create common tools and support automated > testing, > and facilitates the following use cases: > > o Real-time monitoring and troubleshooting of router events; > > o Automated event correlation, trend analysis, and anomaly > detection; > > o Offline (manual or tools-based) analysis of router state evolution > from the retained trace logs; > > o Enhanced network audit, management and forensic analysis > capabilities; > > o Improved accounting of routing system operations; and > > o Providing a standardized format for incident reporting and test > logging. > > s5: .. is empty: Empty sections are not desirable. A brief overview of > the following sub-sections should be added (or alternatively promote > s5.1 which actually describes the framework). > > s5.1, para 1: >> Some notable elements of the architecture are in >> this section. > I don't understand this sentence. If it implies that elements of the > architecture are defined in this section then one has to ask 'Why aren't > they defined in the architecture document?' Since s5.1 contains the > whole framework, what other elements than the 'some notable' ones are > there? > > s5.1, para 2: The term 'northbpund' is not defined (and isn't used in > the architecture'). > > s5.2: The title is ' I2RS Trace Log Mandatory Fields' - nothing that > isn't mandatory is discussed. Should there be some words about optional > extra fields? > > s5.2, timestamps: The RFC3339 format doesn't tie up with 32 bit > resolution - there are hours and minutes etc and decimal representation > is used. Things like origin for timestamps needs to be defined if they > are to be truly useful for comparison outside an individual enterprise > (as might be implied by the incident reporting use case). If RFC 3339 > format is really used, then the timestamps need to include the date as > well since logs will certainly run over more than one day. I note that > the example in s6 shows full RFC 3339 date/time format examples. > > s5.2, Applied Operation Data: Does the Operation Data Present flag > apply to this field? Can this be present even if there is no Requested > Operation Data? > > s5.2, Result Code: Need to expand acronym RIB. > > s7.2: One key point about timestamping (motivated by bitter experience) > is that timestamps need to be recorded at the point when the event > actually happens and not when the event is (potentially significantly > later) entered into the log. Logging is (as indicated) often allocated > a low priority and event log writing may end up being postponed for a > considerable time. > > s11: I would consider I-D.ietf-i2rs-problem-statement and > I-D.ietf-i2rs-pub-sub-requirements to be Informative; and > I-D.ietf-i2rs-rib-info-model, RFC 3339 and possibly RFC 5424 to be > normative.
- [Gen-art] Gen-art telechat review of draft-ietf-i… Elwyn Davies
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-art telechat review of draft-ie… Jari Arkko
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-art telechat review of draft-ie… Joe Clarke
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-art telechat review of draft-ie… Elwyn Davies
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-art telechat review of draft-ie… Joe Clarke
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-art telechat review of draft-ie… Elwyn Davies
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-art telechat review of draft-ie… Joe Clarke
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-art telechat review of draft-ie… Elwyn Davies
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-art telechat review of draft-ie… Joe Clarke
- Re: [Gen-art] Gen-art telechat review of draft-ie… Elwyn Davies