[hiprg] Call for Nominations: Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP)

"Henderson, Thomas R" <thomas.r.henderson@boeing.com> Thu, 14 April 2011 15:55 UTC

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From: "Henderson, Thomas R" <thomas.r.henderson@boeing.com>
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Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2011 08:55:11 -0700
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-----Original Message-----
From: irtf-announce-bounces@irtf.org [mailto:irtf-announce-bounces@irtf.org] On Behalf Of Lars Eggert
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 3:35 AM
To: irtf-announce@irtf.org
Subject: [IRTF-Announce] Call for Nominations: Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP)

                  CALL FOR NOMINATIONS:


*** Apply until May 8, 2011 for the ANR Prize for IETF-81,
*** July 24-29, 2011 in Quebec City, Canada!

The Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP) is awarded for
recent results in applied networking research that are relevant
for transitioning into shipping Internet products and related
standardization efforts. Researchers with relevant, recently
published results are encouraged to apply for this prize, which
will offer them the opportunity to present and discuss their work
with the engineers, network operators, policy makers and
scientists that participate in the Internet Engineering Task
Force (IETF) and its research arm, the Internet Research Task
Force (IRTF). Third-party nominations for this prize are also
encouraged. The goal of the Applied Networking Research Prize
(ANRP) is to recognize the best new ideas in networking, and
bring them to the IETF and IRTF especially in cases where they
would not otherwise see much exposure or discussion.

The Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP) consists of:

 * cash prize of $500 (USD)

 * invited talk at the IRTF Open Meeting

 * travel grant to attend the week-long IETF meeting
   (airfare, hotel, registration, stipend)

 * recognition at the IETF plenary

 * invitation to related social activities

 * potential for additional travel grants to future IETF
   meetings, based on community feedback

The Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP) will be awarded
three times per year, in conjunction with the three annual IETF


Applicants must nominate a peer-reviewed, recently-published,
original journal, conference or workshop paper. Both self
nominations (nominating one's own paper) and third-party
nominations (nominating someone else's paper) are encouraged. The
nominee must be one of the main authors of the nominated paper.

The nominated paper should provide a scientific foundation for
possible future IETF engineering work or IRTF experimentation,
analyze the behavior of Internet protocols in operational
deployments or realistic testbeds, make an important contribution
to the understanding of Internet scalability, performance,
reliability, security or capability, or otherwise be of relevance
to ongoing or future IETF or IRTF activities.

Applicants must briefly describe how the nominated paper relates
to these goals, and are encouraged to describe how presentation
of these research results will foster their transition into new
IETF engineering or IRTF experimentation, or otherwise seed new
activities that will have an impact on the real-world Internet.

The goal of the Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP) is to
foster the transitioning of research results into real-world
benefits for the Internet. Therefore, applicants must indicate
that they (or the nominee, in case of third-party applications)
are available to attend the respective IETF meeting in person and
in its entirety.

Applications must include:

 * the name and email address of the nominee

 * a reference to the published nominated paper

 * a PDF copy of the nominated paper

 * a statement that describes how the nominated paper
   fulfills the goals of the award

 * a statement that the nominee is available to attend the
   respective IETF meeting in person and in its entirety

 * a brief biography or CV of the nominee

 * optionally, any other supporting information (link to
   nominee's web site, etc.)

*** Applications are submitted by email to anrp@isoc.org. ***


A small selection committee comprised of individuals
knowledgeable about the IRTF, IETF and the broader networking
research community will evaluate the submissions against these
selection criteria. The goal is to select 1-2 submissions for the
Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP) during each application
period. All applicants will be notified by email.


Applications open:      April 11, 2011
Applications close:     May 8, 2011
Notifications:          May 31, 2011
IETF-81 Meeting:        July 24-29, 2011


The Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP) is supported by the
Internet Society (ISOC), as part of its Internet Research Award
Programme, in coordination with the Internet Research Task Force