[Hipsec-rg] HIP research group meeting: call for agenda items
thomas.r.henderson at boeing.com (Henderson, Thomas R) Fri, 27 February 2009 17:27 UTC
From: "thomas.r.henderson at boeing.com"
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 09:27:01 -0800
Subject: [Hipsec-rg] HIP research group meeting: call for agenda items
Message-ID: <77F357662F8BFA4CA7074B0410171B6D07B0BE78@XCH-NW-5V1.nw.nos.boeing.com>
Hi, We applied for and received a meeting slot at the next IETF meeting: Thursday March 26, 0900-1130, Breakout 2 room We are starting to get private requests for the agenda and to be added to the agenda, so please, if you would like to present or discuss anything at the RG, feel free to reply to one of the chairs or to this list. Thanks, Tom
- [Hipsec-rg] HIP research group meeting: call for … Henderson, Thomas R