[Hipsec-rg] Hope to get your comments

zhangdacheng at huawei.com (Zhang Dacheng) Sun, 31 May 2009 14:46 UTC

From: "zhangdacheng at huawei.com"
Date: Sun, 31 May 2009 22:46:25 +0800
Subject: [Hipsec-rg] Hope to get your comments
Message-ID: <00ee01c9e1fe$92cea9d0$8acefea9@china.huawei.com>

Hello everyone:
I amd Dacheng, from huawei ltd. I and my colleague, Xiaohu Xu, propose two
drafts in HIP. The details are listed as follows:
Filename:  draft-zhang-hip-hi-revocation
Revision:  00
Title:   Host Identifier Revocation in HIP
Creation_date:  2009-05-27
WG ID:   Independent Submission
Number_of_pages: 8
This document mainly analyzes the key revocation issue with host identities
(HI) in the Host Identity Protocol (HIP), which has not attracted enough
attention from HIP community yet. As a core component of key management
mechanism, key revocation is critical for security systems especially which
are expected to execute for a long period. Apart from that, this document
also discusses the possible challenges that the designers of HI revocation
mechanisms have to face and introduces several possible solutions.
Filename:  draft-zhang-hip-hierarchical-parameter
Revision:  00
Title:   Extensions of Host Identity Protocol (HIP) with Hierarchical
Creation_date:  2009-05-27
WG ID:   Independent Submission
Number_of_pages: 10
This document briefly introduces the benefits brought by extending the Host
Identity Protocol (HIP) with hierarchical information. In addition, two
hierarchical extensions of HIP are introduced. The first one aims to
transport hierarchical information in a parameter of the HIP header, while
the second one extends DNS resource records in order to contain hierarchical
It will be very nice if we can get your kindly comments, and looking forward
to your replies.
Best Regards
Dacheng Zhang