[icnrg] SIGCOMM 2023 Call for Papers

Aaron Ding <aaron.ding@tum.de> Sat, 31 December 2022 14:32 UTC

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ACM SIGCOMM 2023 is calling for submssions


The ACM SIGCOMM 2023 conference seeks papers describing significant 
research contributions or significant deployment experience in 
communication networks and networked systems. SIGCOMM takes a broad view 
of networking, and welcomes submissions on these topics, among others:

- All types of computer networks, including mobile, wide-area, data 
center, embedded, home, and enterprise networks.
- All types of wired and wireless technologies, including optics, radio, 
acoustic, and visible light-based communication.
- All aspects of networks and networked systems, such as network 
architecture, packet-processing hardware and software, virtualization, 
mobility, resource management, performance, energy consumption, 
topology, robustness, security, diagnosis, verification, privacy, 
economics, evolution, and interactions with applications.
- All parts of the network life cycle, including planning, designing, 
building, operating, troubleshooting, and migrations.
- All approaches and techniques, including theory, analysis, 
experiments, and machine learning.

SIGCOMM 2023 will accept submissions in three tracks: research, 
experience, and panel. Panel submissions are new this year.

Strong research track submissions will significantly advance the state 
of the art in networking by, for instance, proposing and developing 
novel ideas or by rigorously evaluating or re-evaluating existing ideas. 
Strong experience track submissions will present key insights and 
takeaways found in the course of designing and executing deployments of 
existing networking techniques, especially in settings that most in the 
community cannot duplicate (for instance, for reasons of scale). Strong 
panel submissions will propose a topic and panel of speakers whose ideas 
and interactions will engage conference attendees. All submissions 
should discuss the limitations of their work. Survey and tutorial papers 
are out of scope and will not be reviewed.

Research submissions must be anonymous (not revealing author names). 
Experience submissions must also be anonymous, but due to their nature, 
may reveal the name of the deploying organization or deployed system. 
The authorship of a panel submission may be anonymous, but the proposed 
panelists must be named in the body of the submission. While no author 
names can appear in a paper submitted for review, all authors must be 
listed in HotCRP before the submission deadline so reviewer conflicts 
are handled properly.

At paper registration time, authors must explicitly indicate in the 
submission form if their paper is to be considered for the research, 
experience, or panel track. Each submission will only be considered for 
the one track identified at submission time.

* Submissions *

Submission site: https://sigcomm2023.hotcrp.com

Submissions should be in two-column, 10-point format, and can be up to 
12 pages in length with as many additional pages as necessary for 
references and optional appendices (up to 5 pages for panel 

Submissions and final papers may include appendices (following 
references, not counting against the 12 pages). Reviewers are not 
required to read appendices or consider them in their review. Authors 
should thus ensure that the core paper is complete and self-contained. 
For example, if the appendix provides details of a proof or experiment, 
the body should summarize the key result. Appendices may also include 
non-traditional material, such as videos, datasets, and code, all 
appropriately anonymized.

The review process may involve multiple rounds of review. Papers that 
are not selected to proceed may receive early notification, including 

Accepted papers may be shepherded by a member of the program committee 
to ensure reviewer feedback is appropriately addressed. The shepherd 
will also review appendices and must approve their necessity.

SIGCOMM 2023 plans to be an in-person event, and the authors of every 
accepted paper are expected to arrange for an in-person attendee to 
present the paper and answer questions.

For accepted papers, the official publication date is the date the 
proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may 
be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The 
official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings 
related to published work. (For those rare conferences whose proceedings 
are published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over, 
the official publication date remains the first day of the conference.)

* Important Dates *

Abstract registration deadline: Wednesday February 8, 2023 23:59 UTC
Paper submission deadline: Wednesday February 15, 2023 23:59 UTC
Paper acceptance notification: Saturday May 20, 2023
Conference: September 10 - 14, 2023

* TPC Chairs *

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact our TPC Chairs:

Director of CPI Lab & Associate Professor of Edge AI, TU Delft
Scientific Director & Coordinator for EU Horizon SPATIAL Project
Editorial Board for ACM Transactions on Internet of Things (TIOT)