[Idr] FW: Request for feedback on WG adoption of draft-scharf-tcpm-yang-tcp-04

"Scharf, Michael" <Michael.Scharf@hs-esslingen.de> Wed, 18 March 2020 20:13 UTC

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From: "Scharf, Michael" <Michael.Scharf@hs-esslingen.de>
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Hi all,

This is a heads-up regarding the ongoing adoption call for draft-scharf-tcpm-yang-tcp-04 in TCPM.

You may want to pay attention. For instance, this document defines groupings for TCP-AO and MD5, which are used by draft-ietf-idr-bgp-model.

If you support work of this document in TCPM, or if you have any comments, please free to provide feedback on the TCPM list (tcpm@ietf.org)


Michael (TCPM chair hat off)

Von: Michael Tuexen<mailto:tuexen@fh-muenster.de>
Gesendet: Montag, 16. März 2020 21:44
An: tcpm IETF list<mailto:tcpm@ietf.org>
Cc: draft-scharf-tcpm-yang-tcp@ietf.org<mailto:draft-scharf-tcpm-yang-tcp@ietf.org>
Betreff: Request for feedback on WG adoption of draft-scharf-tcpm-yang-tcp-04

Dear all,

this mail starts a WG adoption call for

So I would like to solicit feedback regarding support for or objections against the
adoption of the document as a WG document in TCPM.

Please provide feedback before March 31st.

For the context and current state of the document, see the presentation sent yesterday
to the mailing list by Mahesh.

Best regards