Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-path-mtu (11/1/2020 to 11/16/2020)
"Stephane Litkowski (slitkows)" <> Wed, 04 November 2020 14:47 UTC
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From: "Stephane Litkowski (slitkows)" <>
To: "Pengshuping (Peng Shuping)" <>, Susan Hares <>, "" <>
Thread-Topic: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-path-mtu (11/1/2020 to 11/16/2020)
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Subject: Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-path-mtu (11/1/2020 to 11/16/2020)
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Well, why not doing everything in LSR and address all IGPs (OSPF only in this case) + BGP-LS ? so we ensure that there is no gap. From: Pengshuping (Peng Shuping) <> Sent: mercredi 4 novembre 2020 15:23 To: Stephane Litkowski (slitkows) <>; Susan Hares <>; Subject: RE: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-path-mtu (11/1/2020 to 11/16/2020) Hi Stephane, It has been included in this draft that "[RFC7176] specifies the ISIS mechanism and extensions for link MTU Sub-TLV" which can feed BGP-LS. This was actually suggested by the LSR WG. Regarding OSPF, people can post corresponding draft to LSR if there is a need. There could be other ways too as you mentioned. Best regards, Shuping From: Idr [] On Behalf Of Stephane Litkowski (slitkows) Sent: Wednesday, November 4, 2020 4:03 PM To: Susan Hares <<>>;<> Subject: Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-path-mtu (11/1/2020 to 11/16/2020) Hi, "a) Are there ways to pass IGP link MTUs in the IGPs? If so, is this needed in BGP-LS" This is a valid point, most of the time BGP-LS is feeded by IGP LSDBs (of course there are other ways too). While I see that IS-IS has some MTU subTLV coming from TRILL RFC7176 (possibly never been implemented), I don't see anything for OSPF (I'm not an OSPF expert, so I may have missed it). Shouldn't this be checked and validated with LSR WG before adopting ? Stephane From: Idr <<>> On Behalf Of Susan Hares Sent: lundi 2 novembre 2020 06:04 To:<> Subject: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-path-mtu (11/1/2020 to 11/16/2020) This begins a 2 week WG adoption call for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-path-mtu-04.txt (11/1 - 11/16/2020). The authors should send in an IPR statement for this draft by 11/5 so the WG can include the IPR status in their decision. You can access the draft at: Since this draft is reference by an existing IDR draft I've included a bit of background below to help you place this draft into the larger context of the SR additions to BGP-LS and the draft-ietf-idr-tunnel-encaps-19.txt. This draft does continue BGP-LS additions. if you are opposed to any BGP-LS additions rather than this specific addition, please make that clear in your comment in this discussion. The authors requested a WG adoption at IETF 108. The IDR co-chairs thank the authors for their patience. This draft has been delayed by process of having a new document shepherd (Sue Hares) come up to speed on draft-ietf-idr-tunnel-encapsulation. Cheers, Sue Background =========== Segment Routing technology creates SR tunnels that are directly overlaid on MPLS or SRv6. While existing MPLS technology (LDP and RSV-TE) provides mechanisms to negotiate path MTU based on individual link MTU limits, the Segment Routing (SR) on BGP-LS Link Attribute does not pass information on MTU size per link. draft-ietf-idr-sr-policy-path-mtu-02.txt sends PATH MTU information in the tunnel-encapsulation attribute for the tunnel type SR-Policy that handles segment routing (SR) paths. However, it lacks the information to create a reasonable Path size since the BGP-LS Link Attribute does distribute this information. The draft proposes adding a new sub-TLV for MTU size to the BGP-LS Link Attribute TLV, and draft-ietf-idr-sr-policy-path-mtu-02.txt mentions this draft as one possible way to distribute the per link MTU. Questions for the authors might be: a) Are there ways to pass IGP link MTUs in the IGPs? If so, is this needed in BGP-LS b) What other mechanisms pass link MTU?
- [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-path-m… Susan Hares
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Chengli (Cheng Li)
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Stephane Litkowski (slitkows)
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Pengshuping (Peng Shuping)
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Peng Liu
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Huzhibo
- [Idr] 回复: WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… zhuyq8
- [Idr] 回复: WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… zhuyq8
- Re: [Idr] 回复: WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-l… Lizhenbin
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Dongjie (Jimmy)
- [Idr] 答复: WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Weiqiang Cheng
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Pengshuping (Peng Shuping)
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Stephane Litkowski (slitkows)
- [Idr] 回复: WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Tao He(联通集团中国联通研究院-本部)
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa…
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Ran Pang(联通集团中国联通研究院- 本部)
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Susan Hares
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Stephane Litkowski (slitkows)
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Susan Hares
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Susan Hares
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Pengshuping (Peng Shuping)
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Susan Hares
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Pengshuping (Peng Shuping)
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Susan Hares
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Jeff Tantsura
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Susan Hares
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Takuya Miyasaka
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Dhruv Dhody
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Ketan Talaulikar (ketant)
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Jeff Tantsura
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Jeff Tantsura
- [Idr] 答复: WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Huzhibo
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Ketan Talaulikar (ketant)
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Wanghaibo (Rainsword)
- Re: [Idr] 答复: WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-l… Robert Raszuk
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)
- [Idr] 答复: WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Huzhibo
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Susan Hares
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Susan Hares
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Ketan Talaulikar (ketant)
- Re: [Idr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-pa… Jeff Tantsura
- Re: [Idr] [Lsr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp… Gyan Mishra
- Re: [Idr] [Lsr] WG Adoption for draft-zhu-idr-bgp… Chengli (Cheng Li)