RFC Editor "Office Hours" at IETF in San Diego

RFC Editor <rfc-editor@rfc-editor.org> Thu, 22 July 2004 17:00 UTC

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The RFC Editor will be holding "office hours" at IETF-60 in San Diego.  
This is a chance for face-to-face inquiry into the status of pending 
documents or just a chance to ask questions about how the RFC Editor 
works.  The RFC Editor "office" will be a table near the IETF 
registration area, staffed during the following hours:

Monday - Wednesday 1030 - 1530 and
Thursday           1030 - 1300

Should you have questions on a particular document, we suggest sending 
a note in advance that you plan to stop by so we can be more prepared.  
However, this isn't required and drop-ins are encouraged.

We look forward to meeting (all of) you,

--RFC Editor (Joyce, Bob, Aaron, Sandy, Alison, Mieke, and Gordon)

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