[ietf-types] Registration of media type application/opensearchdescription+xml
Frank Ellermann <hmdmhdfmhdjmzdtjmzdtzktdkztdjz@gmail.com> Thu, 20 October 2011 11:04 UTC
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Subject: [ietf-types] Registration of media type application/opensearchdescription+xml
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Type name: application Subtype name: opensearchdescription+xml Required parameters: There are no required parameters. Optional parameters: charset (defaults to "UTF-8") Encoding considerations: Identical to those of "application/xml" as described in RFC 3023; especially "UTF-8" (RFC 3629) and its proper subset "US-ASCII" are supposed to work. For non-ASCII documents served as "text/xml" the "charset" parameter is required; this might be relevant when authors are unable to configure the server hosting their OSDD (OpenSearch Description Document). Security considerations: All general security and privacy considerations for sending queries to servers specified in an URL are applicable. Where clients support the optional update feature in OSDDs it affects the privacy of users. The Ecmascript API AddSearchProvider() typically enforces a "same origin" policy for the OSDD; the URL element within the OSDD can designate a third party as search provider. An OSDD can claim to be a search description for X, but actually do something else. Interoperability considerations: OSDDs use the <http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/> XML name space, optionally in conjunction with other XML name spaces for extensions or application specific purposes. Published specification: <http://www.opensearch.org/Specifications/OpenSearch/1.1> Applications that use this media type: Various Web browsers, search engines, and software libraries support OSDDs. The "search" link relation is used on many Web pages with this media type. The Ecmascript API AddSearchProvider() documented for WhatWG HTML uses this media type. Additional information: OSDDs have no "magic numbers" as defined in RFC 4288. There are no special "common file name extensions" for OSDDs, OSDDs are XML documents. If specific extensions are desired ".a9.xml" (or similar) might do the trick. Person & email address to contact for further information: <http://groups.google.com/group/opensearch> <http://www.opensearch.org/Community/Guidelines> Intended usage: COMMON Restrictions on usage: None Author: DeWitt Clinton Change controller: <http://www.opensearch.org/>
- [ietf-types] Registration of media type applicati… Frank Ellermann
- Re: [ietf-types] Registration of media type appli… Paul Libbrecht
- Re: [ietf-types] Registration of media type appli… Frank Ellermann
- Re: [ietf-types] Registration of media type appli… Frank Ellermann
- Re: [ietf-types] Registration of media type appli… Paul Libbrecht
- Re: [ietf-types] Registration of media type appli… Frank Ellermann
- Re: [ietf-types] Registration of media type appli… Paul Libbrecht
- [ietf-types] Registration of media type applicati… Frank Ellermann