[ietf-types] Media Types in draft-ietf-fecframe-rtp-raptor-06
Thomas Stockhammer <stockhammer@nomor.de> Fri, 25 November 2011 14:21 UTC
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Subject: [ietf-types] Media Types in draft-ietf-fecframe-rtp-raptor-06
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Dear experts, draft-ietf-fecframe-rtp-raptor-06 is currently in IESG review. Please review its media type registration as provided below: =================================================================== 6. Media Types 6.1. Registration of the application/raptorfec media type This RTP payload format is identified using the application/raptorfec media type which is registered in accordance with [RFC4855] and using the template of [RFC4288]. 6.1.1. Media Type Definition Type name: application Subtype name: raptorfec Required parameters: o rate: The RTP timestamp (clock) rate. The operator SHALL select a rate larger than 1000 Hz to provide sufficient resolution to RTCP operations and the operator SHOULD select the rate that matches the rate of the protected source RTP stream. The RTP timestamp (clock) rate is specified in Hz and the format is unsigned integer. o raptor-scheme-id: The value of this parameter is the FEC Scheme Id for the specific Raptor FEC Scheme that will be used as defined in [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor]. o Kmax: The value of this parameter is the FEC Framework Configuration Information element "Maximum Source Block Length" as defined in [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor] encoded as a decimal integer. For specific requirements for this value refer to [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor]. o T: The value of this parameter is the FEC Framework Configuration Information element "Encoding Symbol Size" as defined in [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor] encoded as a decimal integer. For specific requirements for this value refer to [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor]. o repair-window: The maximum time that spans the source packets and the corresponding repair packets. The size of the repair window is specified in microseconds and the format is unsigned integer. Optional parameters: o P: The value of this parameter is the FEC Framework Configuration Information element "Payload ID Format" as defined in [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor]. If this parameter is missing the value "A" SHALL be assumed. Encoding considerations: This media type is framed and binary, see section 4.8 in [RFC4288] Security considerations: Please see security consideration in [RFC6363] Interoperability considerations: Published specification: [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor] Applications that use this media type: Real-time multimedia applications like video streaming, audio streaming, and video conferencing. Additional information: Magic number(s): <none defined> File extension(s): <none defined> Macintosh file type code(s): <none defined> Person & email address to contact for further information: Thomas Stockhammer, stockhammer@nomor.de Intended usage: COMMON Restrictions on usage: This media type depends on RTP framing, and hence is only defined for transfer via RTP [[RFC3550]]. Transport within other framing protocols is not defined at this time. Author: Thomas Stockhammer, Nomor Research Change controller: IETF Audio/Video Transport working group delegated from the IESG. 6.2. Registration of the video/raptorfec media type This RTP payload format is identified using the video/raptorfec media type which is registered in accordance with [RFC4855] and using the template of [RFC4288]. 6.2.1. Media Type Definition Type name: video Subtype name: raptorfec Required parameters: o rate: The RTP timestamp (clock) rate. The operator SHALL select a rate larger than 1000 Hz to provide sufficient resolution to RTCP operations and the operator SHOULD select the rate that matches the rate of the protected source RTP stream. The RTP timestamp (clock) rate is specified in Hz and the format is unsigned integer. o raptor-scheme-id: The value of this parameter is the FEC Scheme Id for the specific Raptor FEC Scheme that will be used as defined in [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor]. o Kmax: The value of this parameter is the FEC Framework Configuration Information element "Maximum Source Block Length" as defined in [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor] encoded as a decimal integer. For specific requirements for this value refer to [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor]. o T: The value of this parameter is the FEC Framework Configuration Information element "Encoding Symbol Size" as defined in [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor] encoded as a decimal integer. For specific requirements for this value refer to [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor]. o repair-window: The maximum time that spans the source packets and the corresponding repair packets. The size of the repair window is specified in microseconds and the format is unsigned integer. Optional parameters: o P: The value of this parameter is the FEC Framework Configuration Information element "Payload ID Format" as defined in [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor]. If this parameter is missing the value "A" SHALL be assumed. Encoding considerations: This media type is framed and binary, see section 4.8 in [RFC4288] Security considerations: Please see security consideration in [RFC6363] Interoperability considerations: Published specification: [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor] Applications that use this media type: Real-time multimedia applications like video streaming, audio streaming, and video conferencing. Additional information: Magic number(s): <none defined> File extension(s): <none defined> Macintosh file type code(s): <none defined> Person & email address to contact for further information: Thomas Stockhammer, stockhammer@nomor.de Intended usage: COMMON Restrictions on usage: This media type depends on RTP framing, and hence is only defined for transfer via RTP [[RFC3550]]. Transport within other framing protocols is not defined at this time. Author: Thomas Stockhammer, Nomor Research. Change controller: IETF Audio/Video Transport working group delegated from the IESG. 6.3. Registration of the audio/raptorfec media type This RTP payload format is identified using the audio/raptorfec media type which is registered in accordance with [RFC4855] and using the template of [RFC4288]. 6.3.1. Media Type Definition Type name: audio Subtype name: raptorfec Required parameters: o rate: The RTP timestamp (clock) rate. The operator SHALL select a rate larger than 1000 Hz to provide sufficient resolution to RTCP operations and the operator SHOULD select the rate that matches the rate of the protected source RTP stream. The RTP timestamp (clock) rate is specified in Hz and the format is unsigned integer. o raptor-scheme-id: The value of this parameter is the FEC Scheme Id for the specific Raptor FEC Scheme that will be used as defined in [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor]. o Kmax: The value of this parameter is the FEC Framework Configuration Information element "Maximum Source Block Length" as defined in [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor] encoded as a decimal integer. For specific requirements for this value refer to [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor]. o T: The value of this parameter is the FEC Framework Configuration Information element "Encoding Symbol Size" as defined in [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor] encoded as a decimal integer. For specific requirements for this value refer to [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor]. o repair-window: The maximum time that spans the source packets and the corresponding repair packets. The size of the repair window is specified in microseconds and the format is unsigned integer. Optional parameters: o P: The value of this parameter is the FEC Framework Configuration Information element "Payload ID Format" as defined in [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor]. If this parameter is missing the value "A" SHALL be assumed. Encoding considerations: This media type is framed and binary, see section 4.8 in [RFC4288] Security considerations: Please see security consideration in [RFC6363] Interoperability considerations: Published specification: [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor] Applications that use this media type: Real-time multimedia applications like video streaming, audio streaming, and video conferencing. Additional information: Magic number(s): <none defined> File extension(s): <none defined> Macintosh file type code(s): <none defined> Person & email address to contact for further information: Thomas Stockhammer, stockhammer@nomor.de Intended usage: COMMON Restrictions on usage: This media type depends on RTP framing, and hence is only defined for transfer via RTP [[RFC3550]]. Transport within other framing protocols is not defined at this time. Author: Thomas Stockhammer, Nomor Research. Change controller: IETF Audio/Video Transport working group delegated from the IESG. 6.4. Registration of the text/raptorfec media type This RTP payload format is identified using the text/raptorfec media type which is registered in accordance with [RFC4855] and using the template of [RFC4288]. 6.4.1. Media Type Definition Type name: text Subtype name: raptorfec Required parameters: o rate: The RTP timestamp (clock) rate. The operator SHALL select a rate larger than 1000 Hz to provide sufficient resolution to RTCP operations and the operator SHOULD select the rate that matches the rate of the protected source RTP stream. The RTP timestamp (clock) rate is specified in Hz and the format is unsigned integer. o raptor-scheme-id: The value of this parameter is the FEC Scheme Id for the specific Raptor FEC Scheme that will be used as defined in [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor]. o Kmax: The value of this parameter is the FEC Framework Configuration Information element "Maximum Source Block Length" as defined in [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor] encoded as a decimal integer. For specific requirements for this value refer to [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor]. o T: The value of this parameter is the FEC Framework Configuration Information element "Encoding Symbol Size" as defined in [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor] encoded as a decimal integer. For specific requirements for this value refer to [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor]. o repair-window: The maximum time that spans the source packets and the corresponding repair packets. The size of the repair window is specified in microseconds and the format is unsigned integer. Optional parameters: o P: The value of this parameter is the FEC Framework Configuration Information element "Payload ID Format" as defined in [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor]. If this parameter is missing the value "A" SHALL be assumed. Encoding considerations: This media type is framed and binary, see section 4.8 in [RFC4288] Security considerations: Please see security consideration in [RFC6363] Interoperability considerations: Published specification: [I-D.ietf-fecframe-raptor] Applications that use this media type: Real-time multimedia applications like video streaming, audio streaming, and video conferencing. Additional information: Magic number(s): <none defined> File extension(s): <none defined> Macintosh file type code(s): <none defined> Person & email address to contact for further information: Thomas Stockhammer, stockhammer@nomor.de Intended usage: COMMON Restrictions on usage: This media type depends on RTP framing, and hence is only defined for transfer via RTP [[RFC3550]]. Transport within other framing protocols is not defined at this time. Author: Thomas Stockhammer, Nomor Research. Change controller: IETF Audio/Video Transport working group delegated from the IESG. =================================================================== Please provide any comments asap, latest by December 9th. Thanks! Thomas --- Dr. Thomas Stockhammer (CEO) || stockhammer@nomor.de || phone +49 89 978980 02 || cell +491725702667 || http://www.nomor-research.com Nomor Research GmbH - Sitz der Gesellschaft: München - Registergericht: München, HRB 165856 – Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE238047637 - Geschäftsführer: Dr. Thomas Stockhammer, Dr. Ingo Viering.
- [ietf-types] Media Types in draft-ietf-fecframe-r… Thomas Stockhammer
- [ietf-types] Media Types in draft-ietf-fecframe-r… Thomas Stockhammer