Fwd: Doug Engelbart

Dave Crocker <dhc@dcrocker.net> Wed, 03 July 2013 17:51 UTC

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Date: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 10:51:29 -0700
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> From: Christina Engelbart <christina.engelbart@gmail.com>
> <mailto:christina.engelbart@gmail.com>>
> Date: Wednesday, July 3, 2013 6:31 AM
> Subject: update on my father
> Very sorry to inform my father passed away in his sleep peacefully at
> home last night. His health had been deteriorating of late, and took
> turn for worse on the weekend. I will circle back around soon, for now
> just wanted to give you all advance notice and look forward to
> discussing your thoughts as I am a bit fuzzy at present.

Besides the considerable technical contributions of Doug's project at 
SRI, theirs was a group that did much to create the open and 
collaborative tone of the Internet that we've come to consider as 
automatic and natural, but were unusual in those days.

As a junior staffer responsible for documentation at the UCLA Arpanet 
project, I used the SRI-ARC NLS system tools over the net.  Partly for 
the capabilities, but partly because it was always a cool group to 
interact with.


Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking