Re: [ippm] [OPSAWG] New I-D -> Guidelines for Charactering "OAM"
Greg Mirsky <> Fri, 12 January 2024 00:09 UTC
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From: Greg Mirsky <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2024 16:08:50 -0800
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To: Carlos Pignataro <>, Adrian Farrel <>
Cc: Ops Area WG <>, IETF IPPM WG <>, mpls <>, spring <>, DetNet WG <>
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Subject: Re: [ippm] [OPSAWG] New I-D -> Guidelines for Charactering "OAM"
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- Hi Carlos and Adrian, thank you for starting this work. I believe that having a common dictionary helps in having more productive discussions. I took the liberty of inviting all the WGs which you invited to review the document and added DetNet WG. Please feel free to trim the distribution list. I've read the document and have several general questions to start our discussion: - It seems that the motivation of this document is the assumption that "in-band OAM" and "out-of-band OAM" are not representative or cannot be understood or correctly attributed, interpreted by the IETF community. Is that correct? - As we discuss and try to establish (change) the IETF dictionary, it is important to analyze the terminology used by other SDOs. I believe that it is beneficial to maintain consistent terminology which will minimize misunderstandings among experts with different experiences of working at different centers of technological expertise. - I that DetNet OAM Framework <> provides sufficiently clear interpretation of terms that can be generalized for non-DetNet networks: * In-band OAM is an active OAM that is in-band within the monitored DetNet OAM domain when it traverses the same set of links and interfaces receiving the same QoS and Packet Replication, Elimination, and Ordering Functions (PREOF) treatment as the monitored DetNet flow. * Out-of-band OAM is an active OAM whose path through the DetNet domain is not topologically identical to the path of the monitored DetNet flow, or its test packets receive different QoS and/or PREOF treatment, or both. As can be seen, the interpretation of "in-band" accepted by the DetNet WG includes not only topological equivalence between the monitored data flow and path traversed by active OAM but also QoS equivalence between them. I believe that is essential in differentiating in-band OAM from out-of-band OAM. - I find the use of "path congruence" in inherently meshed packet-switched networks confusing if not misleading. (Note that RFC 6669 <> explains congruence by using in-band term.) Is there evidence of the term being used besides a single case in RFC 6669? - Similarly, "in-packet" vs. "dedicated packet". I believe that RFC 7799 <> has that addressed by using "active", "passive", and "hybrid" terminology. Although these terms applied to measurement methods, i.e., performance monitoring component of OAM, but, in my opinion, can be extended to fault management OAM. - It seems like the definition of Compound/Combined misses the point that RFC 7799 already defines a hybrid measurement method (not OAM but measurement methods) as a method in which elements of active and passive measurement methods are used. Hence, hybrid is already a combination of active and passive measurement methodologies and the introduction of compound or combined terms is unnecessary, a duplication of the existing and accepted terminology (at least in IPPM WG). And "Active-Hybrid-Passive OAM" is the result of that omission because, according to the definition in RFC 7799, Active-Passive is Hybrid. Thus, Active-Hybrid-Passive is nothing else but Hybrid-Hybrid. Does that make sense? - I cannot agree that RFC 7799 "adds to the confusion" by pointing that Passive performance metrics are assessed independently of the packets or traffic flows, and solely through observation. Some refer to such assessments as "out of band". Indeed, passive measurement methods are not required to use packets that are in-band with the monitored data flow. Usually, the management plane protocol is used to collect, to perform the observation function. In some cases, in-band active OAM packets may be used, e.g., direct loss measurement in ETH-OAM. FWIW, I believe that RFC 7799 and DetNet OAM Requirements already provide a clear terminology for OAM in general and its elements, i.e., Fault Management and Performance Monitoring. Regards, Greg On Fri, Jan 5, 2024 at 12:39 PM Carlos Pignataro <> wrote: > Hi, Ops Area WG, > > Every now and again, there are discussions on how to best characterize or > qualify a particular kind of "OAM", as well as misunderstandings due to > having different definitions and contexts for a given term. A case in point > is "in-band" or "out-of-band" OAM, as recently surfaced at > > > To alleviate this issue, Adrian and I wrote a short I-D to provide > forward-looking guidance on "foobar OAM". > > We would appreciate feedback and input on this position, which aims at > updating the guidelines for the "OAM" acronym, with unambiguous guidelines > for their modifiers. > > Guidelines for Charactering "OAM": > > > > Look forward to input and comments to make this more clear and effective! > > Adrian & Carlos. > > > _______________________________________________ > OPSAWG mailing list > > >
- [ippm] Fwd: New I-D -> Guidelines for Characterin… Carlos Pignataro
- Re: [ippm] [OPSAWG] New I-D -> Guidelines for Cha… Greg Mirsky
- Re: [ippm] [OPSAWG] New I-D -> Guidelines for Cha… Adrian Farrel
- Re: [ippm] [OPSAWG] New I-D -> Guidelines for Cha… Greg Mirsky