[IPsec] IPSECME session recording available
Meetecho Team <ietf@meetecho.com> Tue, 12 March 2013 18:01 UTC
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Dear all, the full recording (synchronized video, audio, slides and jabber room) of the IPSECME WG session at IETF 86 is available at the following URL: http://ietf86.conf.meetecho.com/index.php/Recorded_Sessions In case of problems with the playout, just drop an e-mail to ietf-support@meetecho.com. For the chair(s): please feel free to put the link to the recording in the minutes, if you think this might be useful. Cheers, the Meetecho Team This email has been automatically generated by The Meetecho Conferencing System
- [IPsec] IPSECME session recording available Meetecho Team